Chapter Four~Dreaming of Lily's

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He woke in a sweat. This couldn't be happening. And out of all people why her! The image still ran clearly in his head, he could still feel her lips on his. 'No Sirius! It means absolutely nothing!' He scorned himself. Though his rapid heartbeat told otherwise.

He jumped off his four poster bed, finding his reflection on the mirror on the wall. He ran a comb through his thick black hair. 'See, everything is normal, perfectly normal.'

He kept that thought as he headed down the stairs into the common room. James and Lily were sitting on the sofa, and he tried to pay no attention to it, walking towards the portrait.

"Hey, Surius?" James called, causing him to halt in his tracks.

"Er, Yeah?"

"You don't have a shirt on." He said with a laugh.

Sirius took a glance down realizing he, making James correct, didn't have a shirt on. He looked back up catching Lily's eye which made him swallow nervously.

"Are you ok?" James asked after he stood there mouth agape for literally a minute straight.

"Bad dream is all." He managed, and then rushed back to his dormitory for a shirt.

"Is he alright?" Lily asked, never seeing Sirius act so strange. 

"The real question is, are you?" 

"Wha-" but she was cut off as James started tickling her.  He then darted out of the common room.

"Watch your back James Potter!" She shouted. 


"Now, the most important thing about your assignment, is being able to interpret the constellations you have charted. With constellations, we can get a sense of where we are in this universe, and what one star can join together with other stars and become....".

She was taking notes. He snapped his head away, realizing he was doing it again, looking at her. But it was so very hard when she was sitting directly next to him, her long red hair draped like a curtain, cascading onto the desk. Sometimes she would pull back the curtain, her face visible, and the ends of the locks would brush his hand. 'It was just a dream.' He repeated.

"Okay!" The professors voice rang out, startling him from his trance. "I'd like you too share what constellation you've charted."

The class instantly broke out in chatter. Although, most of it was not about stars.

Lily turned to him expectantly, a friendly smile on her face. "So, want to know what I've charted?" She asked shyly.

"Er, why not."

"Ok then." She spread the parchment so he could see it as well. "The constellation is called Canis Major."

He shook his head as though he understood what she was talking about.

"It's also known as the greater dog. And look." She pointed to one of the dots she drew. "That Star is called Sirius."

"Is it now?" He asked, wondering why the universe was out to get him. She was flattering him by using him in her constellation. Lovely.

"Oh don't worry Mr. Black." She leaned in towards his ear, and he froze. "I won't tell any of the other girls you were named after a Star. Cause then they wouldn't keep their hands off you."

"What are you on about?"

She pulled back, a wide grin upon her lips. "Sirius, I'm merely teasing!" She poked him in the shoulder for good measure before continuing to analyze her chart. 

Chasing Evans (Lily and Sirius)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora