"Here, Seonghwa have some!" Wondae offered his friend a glass.

"Oh no, no. I'm the one driving later" he said. He had seen Hongjoong enjoying a couple glasses here and there, Seonghwa would definitely be the driver later.

"Yah, at least have one of these. It's juice. Really" Seonghwa eyes the glass, sniffing it unnoticed. Smelled like apple juice though. "It's really just juice, ask the waiters" Wondae laughed. "Ah, Seonghwa, propose a toast!"


"Of course you! You brought us together all these years ago!"

Seonghwa looked a little nervous. He took a deep breath, he just had to be himself. "It's been ten years and we still haven't changed as a friend group, it's been ten years and we're still the same with each other. I would say on us, the group of weird asses no-one wanted to talk to"

"that hurt, but he ain't lying tho" Yuji giggled and nibbled from her drink.

The group laughed at the comment. But there was really no lie. They had been a group of random students that  had maybe two friends because everyone thought they were weird. Maybe that was because all of them had their emo phase, but none of them would admit that.

"Ah... Seonghwa, you and Hongjoong are really the only reason I still believe in love" Hwanhee said, leaning his elbow on Seonghwa's shoulder. "I'm going to be honest, I would have never thought you two would get married"

"Ah, look who's talking about love!" Yuji huffed, rolling her eyes.

"And you? You think you can talk about love?" Hwanhee talked back.

Confused, Seonghwa looked between the two. "Woah, what's up with you two?"

"Oh you don't know? They dated for about two years" Sooyeon whispered into Seonghwa's ear.

"Worst two years of my life!"

"Your life? I had to deal with way more-"

"You two really dated? I always thought you're going to stay friends with benefits until the other is in a committed relationship-" Seonghwa marked by.

"How did you know-"

"Oh my- everyone knew I swear one could literally smell the tension  between you two" Seonghwa replied. "And I walked in to you two several times... Remember backstage? On our graduation party? Yeah, I won't ever forget that-"

"Look who's talking. You and Hongjoong weren't that slick either" Wondae laughed, slapping Seonghwa's shoulder. "I'm not saying nothing but Hongjoong was hitting these high notes back then too"

Seonghwa's face lit up in embarrassment. "W-what? No! We were practicing!"

"Oh shut up! You did know that the practice room had a freaking window or did you just decide to ignore that?"

"exhibitionism kink much-" Sooyeon wheezed.

"Guys- guys- no-" Seonghwa tried to safe the situation. Just in the middle of trying to get his old friends to stop laughing, they were interrupted.

"You're having fun, I see" Hongjoong joined the group, slid his arm around his husband's waist. No he wasn't a jealous type of guy. There was no reason they had been married for so long. He just tend to cling to him.

"Yah! Hongjoong! We were just talking about y-"

"uh-uh-uh" Seonghwa stopped his friend right there. He needed to change the topic. "Ah? You're done going around? Have you seen Minhee? She must be in the back with her husband, how about we got talk to her for a little bit-"

"I was with them just a second ago" Hongjoong responded. Seonghwa's topic change wasn't blended, now he was curious. "what were you guys talking about?" he asked the four others.

When Seonghwa saw the mischievous grin on Sooyeon's face, he chunked down his apple juice wishing it was alcohol.

"Ah about the old times, you know? We were talking about your practice sessions, you remember? To this day I can't explain how you managed to hit these high notes!" she said, trying hard to hold herself back from breaking into laughing again. "born prodigy, really!"

Hongjoong's face snapped to Seonghwa who grabbed Hongjoong's half empty glass of champagne to down it in one sip. "Uh- uhm... Well Seonghwa is a good teacher uhm-" he replied, feeling his face heat up. If it was because auf memories he had to think of in that moment or the alcohol in his system, he wasn't sure.

"Ah... Now before we continue with our little come-together, I've noticed that our old school band is complete too!" Donghyun gestured at the small group standing in the corner. "Oh how much I would wish for you to sing for us again" the former class president then gestured at the small podium that had instruments and microphones set up. Seonghwa being the only one out of the group who was to hundert percent sober, wondered from where these came from. "Would you do us that favor?"

While Seonghwa wanted to say no, the rest of the band was already pushing him to the podium. "C'mon! That's going to be so much fun!"

"No- you're only saying yes because you're all half wasted!"

But it was too late for him to turn back around. He was already standing behind he microphone. Oh stage fright his good old friend. "what do you even plan to perform- I can't even remember half of the lyrics of any song we wrote-"

While her friends started arguing about what song to perform, Yuji tried out her muscle memory on the the keyboard. And she was right, what she was playing was right. Soon the others joined in, all of them looking at Seonghwa's back, as he was standing in the front.

Seonghwa, even though he remembered the song, hesitated, forcing the others to repeat the intro. His eyes searched for Hongjoong, internally cursing that he couldn't find him. But then someone whistled, clapping excitedly. Hongjoong, standing a little far from the podium locked eyes with his husband, mouthing words of encouragement. Oh he knew this was bound to go wrong, but there was no going back though. So he swallowed down the knot in his throat and joined his friends.

Hey! How are yall doing?

Ahhhhh so I just realized I'm about 1 year into kpop. Yeah, last year around that time a friend of mine slode into my messages at 4am and was like: yaz bitch lemme open the gates to kpop for you~

I just think it's funny how the very first mv he showed me was HISTORY's might just die... Fucker knows how to work💀😂

And then he was making fun of me while I was learning svt's names because he thought it's too many members and my brain won't get taht together because I occasionally get confused with the names of my friends💀 BITCH CATCH ME DOING THE SEVENTEEN FAN CHANT

Sis has priorities😌


Please stay healthy and safe


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