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You didn't know what you were doing.

Just a few moments ago, Sapnap, seemingly out of nowhere, had invited you to a game of 'Among Us.' Now, you had no clue what that game was, but you figured it must be some sort of murder-mystery-social-strategy-esque game after he had tried to explain the mechanics to you. Tried. You kept a note to yourself that he was not the best at describing things.

You wandered around the map aimlessly, not knowing how to complete tasks or fix sabotages. You came across a red character called Tommy who suddenly jumped into a hole in the ground-- wait, you can do that? You stood over the hole, trying to figure out how to jump into it but your attempts were futile. Eventually, you give up and discover a long table in a room where a red button stood in the center. You pressed the button, and as soon as you did, an emergency meeting was called. You were greeted with a combination of people asking who, what, and where. You type into the chat:

how do i jump? 

"What do you mean, Y/U?" You heard George say. "You can't jump in this game."

no, i meant how do i jump into the holes in the ground like red did? i've been pressing space bar over the holes in the ground and it's not working. what's the jump button in this game? how did red jump?

Everyone bursted out into laughter, including your chat. Meanwhile, Tommy stammered over his words and you sat there in confusion. What was so funny? "Y/U," Dream began, his laughter dying down. "Jumping into the holes is called venting. Only impostors can do that. You said you saw red jump, which means red is one of the impostors. Bye-bye, Tommy!" 

oh. makes sense. also, i've been walking around and i see these objects that glow yellow. sometimes other players walk up to them then go away. am i supposed to do something with them or what?

BadBoyHalo huffed. "Oh my goodness, I thought Sapnap already explained how this game works to you."

Sapnap did a horrible job at explaining to me.

"Those yellow glowing objects are tasks. You go up to them and press the 'use' button on the right bottom corner of your screen. Then something will pop up on your screen." George paused before an idea arose in his head. "I'll just follow you around for the next round and explain how each one works. I know we're only supposed to talk during meetings, but this time is an exception." Then voting time ran out. 

Tommy was An Impostor.

1 Impostor remains.

George followed you around as you walked around the map, searching for your tasks. He taught you how to insert keys, scan a boarding pass, fuel engines, store artifacts, repair drill, record temperature, fix lights, do reactor, and other relatively simple objectives. The moment you finished your last task, a victory screen appeared in front of you.

"GEORGE!" Tommy yelled, (at least, you think it was Tommy, you were just introduced to him today), banging his hands on his desk. You had to lower his volume. "Why didn't you kill anyone? You were my impostor buddy! We could've won!"

"Y/U was more important." George blurted out. He paused. Then he began speaking in a hurried manner, stumbling over words. "I mean- Teaching Y/U how to play and do tasks was more important. Ah-and if Y/U was walking around not knowing what to do the entire time, it would be boring for both them and us."

As Tommy called him a simp, which George refused that he was, you looked at the people you were playing with. You knew who George, Sapnap, Dream, and BadBoyHalo were, of course. But there were some new faces, such as Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo. There were only eight out of ten players in the lobby so far. Two more were bound to join.