one: beginnings & pep rallys

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*Charli POV*

My entire life I've thought about the day I graduate high school.

When I was younger, my parents would always tell me that the years following my 18th birthday would be everything I wished for.

They passed away when I was 14, and since then I've been living with my grandparent. According to them, I'm in the prime of my life. That is one thing that I honestly couldn't agree more on.

My name is Charli, and I'm 18. I recently graduated from high school, and the only plans I have for this summer are to hang out with my best friend and my boyfriend.

My best friend Brooke is a couple months younger than me, but we've known each other since the day she was born. Our parents were friends in college, and found out they were expecting both of us around the same time.

She knows everything about me, from the day I got my first kiss, to the day I got my period, to the first time I ever... The same goes for me with her. 

Moving into my boyfriend, Zayn. I was fifteen when we met, and it was definitely one the most uncomfortable encounters I've had in my life.

My best friend Brooke had dragged me to a stupid bonfire pep rally thing our school was throwing as a welcoming to all the students. We had gone together our first year at our new school, because we wanted to make some friends. It was always held the second week of school on a Friday night, and our teachers told us that it was a great place to go to get into school spirit.

By our second year, we knew most of the people that were there, excluding the new freshers.

"Hey Char!" Niall greeted, running over and giving Brooke and I a big hug.

"Hey, Ni!" I giggled, squeezing my arms around him in my own hug back.

"This is my friend Zayn!" he chuckles, motioning to a slightly tattooed boy standing a few feet behind him. "Zayn, come say hi bud!"

Brooke nudged my side, and when I met her gaze she gave me an exaggerated wink. My eyes widened as they trailed back over to the clearly older boy.

"Hi," the boy said, looking over towards the fire. "I'm Zayn."

"Hi, this is Charli and I'm Brooke," I stared at her, pleading to be taken away from this awkward confrontation.

"Niall, come with me. I want to show you something," Brooke giggled and grabbed his hand, dragging him away from us.

"Brooke!" I called after her, mentally cursing her to myself. She pretended to not hear me as they continued walking away from us.

I turned back to the guy, taking a better look at him, noting that he was pretty cute. He had a blonde patch in the front of his hair, and I could feel my mouth becoming more dry as the seconds ticked by.

'Fuck!' I scream in my mind.  The only thing I could focus on was how good looking he is; but he obviously didn't want to be here.

Maybe it's just that he doesn't want to be near me.

"So, your name is Zayn?" I ask, awkwardly rocking on my heels. He looks towards me, and I could easily see his body become tense.

"Uh, yeah," he mumbles, looking away again.

"What's your problem?" I groan, hopefully only loud enough that I could hear. I pulled out my phone to text Brooke. I was going to kill her when I saw her again.

To Brookie: This guy is so awkward. Why would you leave me? Get back here now!

"So, uh, do you wanna go grab a drink or something?" he stares at me, then points to the picnic table with random cans, cups and bottles littered all over it.

"I can't, my friend-" I start, but end up being cut off.

"Look, I don't want to be here either," his face was full of frustration. "But both of our friends just ditched us, so we could at least try and have some fun tonight?"

From Brookie: Because. I'll be back soon. Just have fun! xx

I sigh, reading her text, then rereading it three more times. What's the worst that could happen?

"Fine. Let's go," I huff, following him to the table.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this! This isn't my first time writing, but it's my first time on WP, and I'm extremely nervous!

If you like this at all, and want to see more, could you please comment and vote to let me know!? Chapters in the future will be longer than this one. This is just kind of like an short intro to give you some knowledge of the characters!

I will love you forever, and then some! <3

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