23: backyard talks

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*Charli POV*

"You're a dick!" I shout across the fire Louis, who burst out laughing again.

The patio door squeaked open, and Niall strolled out with his guitar in one hand, and a box in the other.

"Let's make s'mores!" he cheered, placing the box on Liam's lap.

"Mate, how do you expect us to toast these on the fire?" Liam asked as he pulled a package of marshmallows out of the box. "We haven't any sticks."

He shrugged and plopped down "Go break one off a tree or something."

"You can't be serious. That's not sanitary!" Liam chirped, a look of disgust on his face. "I'm not doing that."

"You git, I'll do it," Louis groaned as he stood up from the chair. He ran over to a tree near the back of the lot, and broke a few branches off. "Here," he said as he tossed them onto Liam's lap.

"I'm not using a stick to toast them. That's disgusting."

"Oh, live a little, mate," Louis laughed as he cracked open a beer.


An hour later, everyone was sprawled out amongst the backyard, random conversations flowing between the groups.

Zayn, Liam and Niall were sitting on the patio, perched at a table. Niall was strumming the guitar, and Zayn looked to be scribbling in a notebook. 'Writing songs,' I thought to myself.

Eleanor and Louis had their feet dangling in the pool, with their arms locked around each other.

Georgia, Brooke and Sophia were sitting across from me at the fire, giggling to themselves.

I sat curled up on the lounge, watching as the groups conversed. I looked around and spot the silhouette of the curly haired boy sitting by himself, leaning on the trunk of a big tree at the back of the lot.

I got up from the log I was sitting on, and hobbled over to Harry with a beer in my grasp. He was seated on the ground, picking at random blades of grass. He looked up as I got closer and smiled.

"Come to join the festivities?" he chuckled softly, patting the ground next to him. "We're a lively bunch back here."

"Harry, you're by yourself. You can't be a we," I giggled, gingerly sitting down next to him.

"No, but we are now!" he laughed, bringing a bottle up to lips and taking a swig of beer.

"You're a nerd," I laughed and poked his side. He flinched away and laughed.

"So, Zayn was quite irritated when he found out you came with us to the airport to pick up my sister."

"Really? Why?"

"I'm not too sure, actually."

"What did he say that makes you think that?"

"Well, when I told him how you were coming over for dinner, he questioned me. Like why you were coming over, and why wasn't he invited."

"What did you say?"

"I told him Gramps invited you over to catch up, and didn't think about inviting him. He kind of freaked out and went all jealous," I laughed quietly, as I looked up at him.

A slight smirk appeared, and he let out a laugh. "Really now."

"Yeah. Then he brought up the airport earlier, and why you went. I said that you didn't really give me an option, because you two hate each other so much and you wanted to piss her off."

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