Part 16: The List

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Abbie was sick to her stomach. It was the day after callbacks, the day she would find out her role in her dream show. Eliza callbacks had gone well though, and she thought she sounded good when she sang Burn, but anything could happen. Robert, on the other hand, was the confident one this time. Of course he got called back for Hamilton among other smaller roles, and he nailed it. It seemed as though people were intimidated of him and his talent. He was that good!
Abbie got out of bed and began to get ready for the day. She didn't even care about how she looked or what she wore. All she could think about was what role her and Robert were going to get, and what it would mean for them.
"It's going to be ok." Abbie took a deep breath.
"No matter what, I get to be with Robert more often, which will be amazing enough!" She said to herself, walking out of the room.
"Good morning sweetheart! Waffles are on the table!" Her mother said as she walked towards the table and saw Ty and her dad eating.
"I don't know if I can eat anything... I'm just too nervous!" Abbie mumbled.
"It's going to be alright Abbs, you'll have fun no matter what!" Her mother encouraged her.
"I know I know... I just want Eliza so bad!!!!"
"I know you do. You would be great as her." Her mother said, which made Abbie a little more hopeful.
"Well I better get off to school! It's best to be there early to see the cast list before anyone else does!"
"Alright honey, see ya!" Amber said.
Abbie waved goodbye to her family as she got on the bus to school. The more they moved forward, the more she panicked. All she wanted was to be Eliza with Robert as Alexander, and they would get to dance and harmonize together! It would be all she ever dreamed of.
Abbie overheard students from theatre that began talking about the list and what they thought would happen.
"I think I'm going to get Eliza, personally..." one girl said.
"Yeah I think so too. And I think I'm going to get Hamilton for sure." Another guy said.
This made Abbie even more nervous. There were so many possibilities and so many talented people. She would just have to wait and see.
The students ran off the bus towards the theatre room doors, where they crowded around, waiting in anticipation for Adam to bring out the cast list.
For what seemed like ages, Adam finally came out to the crowd of theatre kids.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Before I release this list, I want you to know that you are all so talented, and you all have so much potential. Remember, there are no small roles, only small actors."
Adam taped the list to the wall and the students began climbing over one another and shoving each other over to see what the results were. Abbie finally pushed through, and gasped at what she saw.
"I GOT ELIZA!!!!!!" She shouted as she jumped for joy.
Abbie continued to scan the list, and saw Robert at the top, playing Alexander Hamilton.
"YES!!!!" Abbie shouted once more.
She went on, searching for friends and what roles they received. Suddenly, Abbie could not believe her eyes. She realized that there was a problem. A big problem that might mess everything up. How could she have forgotten.
As Abbie's heart began to race and panic set in, ____ , a girl in her theatre class, came up to her.
"Hey! Congrats on Eliza!" She said to Abbie with a smile on her face.
"Thank you that's so nice! Congratulations on Peggy/Maria Reynolds. You'll do great!" Abbie said with a fake smile.
"Thanks! Looks like we will be sharing Robert for a little while, am I right? Haha"
"Yeah haha... that'll be fun!" Abbie replied with horror.
As ___ left, Robert came up to Abbie, with a huge smile on his face.
"WAY DID IT!" Robert shouted, picking Abbie up into a bear hug and spinning her around.
"Yeah! We sure did!" Abbie said, not being able to match Roberts energy.
Of course Robert could tell something was wrong. He knew her so well.
"Hey... what's wrong? Aren't you excahted? You just gawt your draym role!" Robert said with confusion.
"Of course I'm excited! I can hardly wait! I just ate too much breakfast this morning and now I feel sick haha. But I'm so proud of you Robert you really deserve this! I cannot wait to do this with you!"
"May too!! This is going to be the best show evah!" Robert smiled one more time and began walking to class.
Abbie did not have it in her to tell Robert the truth. She could not let him know how jealous she was going to be of ___ and the whole song they had together. They might even kiss too, which made Abbie even more heartbroken. What if Robert enjoyed their song together more then hers. What if he started liking ___ more then her. Knowing that ___ would be Maria released a floodgate of worries that she could not stop.
As she stressed out, she overheard students talking about the cast list more. She decided to look back at it one more time, because she didn't get to see everyone's role after ___'s distracted her. She scanned the list once more and her heart stopped when she came across a certain name.
"Tony - Aaron Burr" the list showed.
"This cannot be happening." Abbie gasped for air.
"This is not real." She could not believe this.
"It has to be a different Tony... there's no way... he's in jail.... no" Abbie thought to herself.
Adam came out of his classroom and recognized Abbie's confusion as she pointed to Tony's name.
"Oh yeah! That's the kid who was in jail! I know it sounds crazy but he has changed! He needed an activity that provides him some social interaction and community service. He is actually really talented. I can't wait for you to meet him!" Adam explained.
"Can't wait..." Abbie said with awe.
So it was him, the guy who almost murdered her and Robert. The guy who had broken into her home and stalked her through her vents. How was he out of jail? How did they let him go? Did he really change, or was he the same threat to her and Roberts lives. And now she would be rehearsing with him daily, and with him at all times. This could not get any worse.

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