Part 7: And So it Begins

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Today was Monday.... Abbie's least favorite day of the week. Looking on the bright side though, she did get to sleep in a bit because of late start Monday. She had Biology today, and was curious to see if Robert would show any signs that he liked her. She was so confused.
"I'm so confused." Abbie said as she woke up.
"I really hope Robert flirts with me today. I mean I'm not sure if he likes me but one thing is for sure: he doesn't seem to be interested in other girls when they flirt with him!"
After Abbie wished on a star nights before and had a day to herself, she had a new sense of hope and confidence. Things felt different in the air and her sadness she felt before had vanished. She was determined to get this relationship moving forward.
"Hmmmm what should I wear today. Something to impress Robert." Abbie muttered.
She looked through her closet until she found the PERFECT shirt she forgot she had. It was a shirt with a real running cheetah that had #animals_are*cool_and*awesome_i*love_them_sooooooooooo*much_lol in bold on the front.
"Robert is going to think I'm the coolest person ever with this shirt." Abbie stated
She put on jungle print pants and shoes made of leaves to match the wildlife theme. She made the rest of her outfit herself out of branches and leaves from the backyard. She finished her outfit with a blue baseball cap that said "I made my outfit from nature. Don't underestimate me"
This is the cutest outfit she has ever worn. She went downstairs to her Mom, who gasped in awe as she saw her outfit.
"It must be spirit week right! Is it hobo theme?!" Amber said.
"Mooooooom no it's not spirit week. I'm just wearing something new today haha" Abbie said back.
"Oh... ok then. Super cute!" Her mom lied.
Abbie said her goodbyes and walked onto the bus with many people visibly staring at her and her clothes. She knew she looked extra beautiful today but could people stop staring at her? It made her uncomfortable.
She arrived at the school and went to biology class, ready to see the love of her life again. She was going to initiate conversation this time. She felt brave and ready to take on the world today. She walked into the classroom and Robert's eyes immediately met hers.
"Hey Robert what's up!" She said, knowing he was looking at her amazing outfit.
"I love your outfit. It really reflects the beauty of nature!" Robert stated excitedly.
Abbie blushed and said, "Wow Robert that's so sweet. I made the shoes myself!"
"You are soooo talented Abbie wow." ___ said.
"Those leaves look crunchy.." Ivy said, her mouth watering as she gazed at Abbie's shoes.
Abbie sat down and continued talking with her friends.
"Ok class today we are going to do a lab where we look at different samples and identify cell patterns. Grab your materials and let's get on with it! Your table is your lab group. Get to your stations and begin." Spencer yelled.
They all got up and went to their microscope and grabbed their petri dishes. They went through the lab steps, but Abbie didn't pay much attention to the lab. Robert with safety goggles was so attractive.
"So Robert, do you come here often?" Abbie tried.
"Ummm what do ya mean?" Robert asked.
Abbie groaned on the inside, feeling so stupid for what she had said. NO she had to keep her confidence up. She couldn't give up now.
"Hahaha it's the famous movie line from that movie about the animals. It's called Animals: the movie." Abbie made up to recover from her fail.
"Hmmm never heard of it. Ah'll have to watch it!"
Robert said with interest.
"What's your favorite movie Robert?" Abbie asked.
"Definitlay Happy Feet. I love penguins and Ah've always wanted to go to the Arctic." Robert responded.
"I haven't seen that movie in a long time! I barely remember it!" Abbie said.
"Well, do you maybe want to come watch it at my house to refresh your memory?" Robert nervously asked.
Abbie could not believe this was actually happening
"Yeah that would be cool! Tonight at 7? Does that work?"
"It's perfect," Robert replied with a smile.
Abbie instantly was filled up with excitement. Was this a date? Or was it a hang out with Robert and his cousin Hannah. Either way she was spending time with him, so she didn't really care. She smiled to herself and tried to look busy as Spencer came by watching their group. She went to the sink and rinsed off Petri dishes. As she did so, Robert came by and splashed her with water.
"Roberrrrrrrrt!!!" Abbie screamed with a flirtatious smile.
"Hehe whoops it was an accident." Robert replied.
"Yeah right!!" Abbie said as she splashed him back. Robert laughed and wiped a droplet off of his cheek. He stared into Abbie's eyes until Spencer came by.
"Get to work you two. No funny business!" Spencer yelled, slapping a ruler on the palm of her hand with intimidation in every step. Abbie didn't care that Ms.Spencer was a little angry today. All she cared about was Robert and all of the fun they were having. She didn't know how Robert felt, but this seemed like flirting to her for sure! As class ended Ms. Spencer went up to the front.
"Before you go I'd like to apologize for being a little on edge. My pet bioluminescent jellyfish named Tony died yesterday while I was using his slight electrical shock to charge my new water distilling machine. I'll be better next time."
Alex jumped in his seat as she said the word Tony. He seemed pretty on edge today but Abbie was too focused on Robert to notice. The bell rang as she skipped out of class. She absolutely could not wait for tonight.

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