Part 15: The Auditions

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After a week of hard work, nerves, and practicing, Abbie was completely ready for her audition. She sat in her last period of the day, her foot bounced on the floor in anticipation for the bell to ring and for auditions to begin. This would determine everything. Her and Robert's relationship, her talent, her future. Ever since Abbie listened to the Hamilton soundtrack, she knew that she had to one day be cast in it. And today was that day to try.
The bell rang and the students rushed out of the building, as Abbie rushed to the choir room, where auditions would take place. Robert found her in the crowd, and sped through the halls along with her.
" Abbie, Ah'm so nervous..."
Abbie looked up to his face that was filled with worry.
"Robert, they're going to love you! Just do your best and that's good enough. I'm sure you'll do great!"
Robert seemed a bit calmer now, with the new words of encouragement Abbie gave him.
"What about you, are you nervous?" Robert asked.
"Not too bad! I think it'll go well for the both of us!" Abbie smiled and teasingly bumped into Robert.
They arrived at the line of anxiety-filled students about to audition. With their audition packets and resumes in hand, the theatre kids were ready to audition.
"First up, Chloe!" Aurora, the stage manager, shouted.
Abbie stared at the tough competition. She knew many girls wanted the role of Eliza and if she was going to get it, she had to come out on top.
Student after student came in and out of the audition room doors, until it was finally Abbie's turn.
"Abbie! You're up!" Aurora said.
Abbie walked in with a confident stride, shoulders back, chin out, a smile on her face. She wanted to be seen as confident and determined.
"Hi! My name is Eliza, I mean... Abbie and today I will be singing Defying Gravity, from Wicked."
"Hmm, never heard of it." Adam, the director, said.
Abbie took two steps back and began.
"And NObody in ALL of Oz..." She began, adding extra emotion and emphasis.
"NO wizard that there IS or WAS!!!!"
Abbie let her hands glide through the song, portraying the emotions Elphaba, the protagonist of Wicked, portrayed.
She prepared for the last note.
The directors were smiling and scribbling down on their papers.
"Thank you so much!" Abbie left the room feeling amazing about her audition. This had to be her big break!
Abbie ran out to Robert and began to excitedly spit out words.
"I did it!!! I think it went perfectly!!! They were smiling and-"
"Ah'm so proud of you." Robert looked into Abbie's eyes with that certain stare. That stare that showed how deep he really cared.
"Robert! Next!" Stated Aurora.
Robert wiped his sweaty palms on his pants as he walked forward.
"Robert" Abbie called for him.
Robert turned around to face Abbie again, her smile warming his heart.
"Hey, you got this."
Robert blushed and turned back. He walked to the doors that led to the choir room. He was going to give it his all.
"Hello! Ah'm Robert Irwin ad Ah'll be singing Wayving through a Window from Dear Evahn Hansen."
Robert took steps back, took a deep breath, and imagined that it was just him and Abbie sitting together in his living room. No one else was there except the girl he felt most comfortable with. His nerves disappeared and he started to sing.
"Ahn the outsahide always looking in, will Ah, evah be more then Ah've always been, cause Ah'm tap tap tappin on the glass.... Ah'm waving through a windoowwOWowowow."
Robert nailed every note he opened his eyes to Adam standing and clapping.
"I believed it." Adam said with sincerity.
"Thank you!!" Robert left with joy.
Abbie was waiting right outside the door for him. She noticed as he walked out, his eyes were glowing.
"How was it?!?" Abbie squealed.
"It was actuallay amazing. Ah am so proud of mahself." He said, still in shock from audition nerves.
"You know what..... we deserve a treat."
"What do you mayn?" Robert questioned.
"Cmon let's go! Ice cream on me!"
They both left together, and drive to iceberg, where they ate ice cream, talked, and laughed. Abbie got a strawberry shake, and Robert got the tiger's blood shake.
"MMMMMM this is so good!" Abbie screamed.
"Ah know riaght? This is so fun! Ah'm so glad we both did grayt with our auditions today!"
"Me too! I have a feeling we will both get the parts we want!" Abbie said with excitement.
"Ah hope so!" Robert replied.
It wasn't until 1:00 am that they noticed it was dark, and they should probably get home soon.
"Umm we closed three hours ago. Would you guys mind leaving?" The iceburg worker said with annoyance.
"Three hours ago? Crap! I need to get home! My mother is probably worried sick!" Abbie exclaimed.
"May too! It's way pahst mah curfew! We will be on our way sir. Thank you for the grayt service." Robert said.
The moon was bright and the stars could be seen clearly, twinkling in the sky. Robert walked Abbie to her car, as a cool breeze blew around them.
"Hey thanks for everythang. You really helped may with mah audition. Ah wouldn't have done so well without your help."
Abbie could tell Robert really appreciated her help with auditions, and she felt the same way about how he helped her.
"Well thank you for doing the same for me! I'm glad we were able to practice together! I'm feeling really confident about everything! And no matter what, it will be fun just hanging out and talking at rehearsal!"
"Ah know Ahill like that a lot."
Robert softly smiled, the street lights creating a slight glow on his face.
They stared into each other's eyes with gratitude and love, until they realized it was time to go.
"Bye Robert!"
"Bahye Abbay!"
They both drove off, thinking about one another throughout the night. They didn't know it, but they cared for each other more than words could describe.

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