Part 6: A Dog's Purpose

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Finally. It was the weekend. Abbie needed time to relax, away from school and the chaos it brings. Away from burglars, crushes, Tony. She just needed a break. Last night might have been one of the most terrifying things she had ever experienced. It's not every day two burglars crawl through your vents and fight each other inside your house.
"Today is a me day." She sighed with relief as she woke up at 10:00am from a good night's sleep.
"Abbie!!! Breakfast is ready!!" Her mom shouted from below.
"Coming Mom!" Abbie replied
Abbie slowly stretched and got up from bed, walking down the stairs with a scent wafting through the air. Abbie smiled as she sniffed. She immediately could tell her Mom made raspberry crepes.
Abbie sat down and began to eat as her mom summarized the information they received from the police.
"They said they found no trace of evidence.... nothing... can you believe that?!" Amber questioned.
"Yeah it's insane.." Abbie said, tired of the subject.
"At least we found a dead raccoon after all of it! Dinners gonna be good tonight!" Her mom said excitingly
"Yeah haha delicious!"
Abbie loves to eat raccoon and was excited to eat, but she just wanted to move on. Yeah she was scared for her life, but her day to treat herself was not going to be ruined by intruding thoughts of house intruders.
Abbie traveled upstairs to her room again, putting on some comfortable clothes and tying her brown hair up in a loose, messy bun. This was a chill day, nothing to worry about.

~Hannah's House~

Robert woke up in the guestroom of Hannah's house. So far, Utah was a great experience. His extended family here were so nice to him and made sure he was having the best experience.
Robert walked downstairs to chocolate chip pancakes and orange juice.
"Good morning Robert! How did you sleep?" His cousin, Hannah asked.
"Aye pretty good! It is so comfortable here. Couldn't ask for more." Robert said brightly.
They talked together, discussing the past week and what the day would hold. Robert loved his first week of school. He already met so many nice people. His Biology table was awesome and he was learning a lot!
"So, what do you want to do today Robert?" Hannah continued.
"Anaything would bey great! Today is a beautiful day and-" a sound at the door cut Robert off. Something like a scratch. It's probably just the wind.
"Hehe anyways... like I was saying, we could-" Robert was again cut off by the sound, repeating again with more volume.
"Do you gahys hear that?" Robert asked.
"Yeah that was kind of weird. We should probably check it out." Hannah said worriedly.
The sound again repeated with louder scratches. They heard a whine, like someone was crying right outside of their door. They slowly and carefully stepped towards the front door, scared of what they would find behind it. Robert's thoughts racing with what there might be, he placed his hand on the door knob.
"Won, too, thrayee" Robert whispered as he quickly thrust open the door revealing Ivy sitting on their doormat.
"What are you doing herea Aivy?" Robert asked. He had only ever seen her at school, at their biology table.
"I didn't know where else to go. My paws hurt from running. My owners didn't want me anymore and kicked me out." She said, her tongue panting.
"Ahi'm so sorry that happened" Robert had seen hurt animals from experience, and could tell she was in pain.
"Here come in!" Hannah offered
Ivy crawled into Hannah's house and Robert placed a bowl of water and some pieces of bacon from breakfast onto the floor. Ivy gobbled it up and licked up the water with her tongue.
"Mmmm yummy. Thanks ruff ruff" Ivy said with gratitude.
As Ivy finished her water, Hannah pulled Robert aside and discussed what they were going to do about the situation. They couldn't just leave Ivy behind.
"What should we do?!" Hannah whispered with worry
"Well you know may. I can't just leave an animal alone. That's not what ah do." Robert said seriously.
"If you won't help hah, ah will" He continued.
They walked back to Ivy, as she waited there with an empty water bowl, anticipated to hear what they would say.
"Aivy, ah have decided to adopt you. You can stay here and we will take care of you. Ah know a lot about dawgs so ah think I'll be able to keep you healthy."
Ivy bolted around the house, prancing on the couch, jumping on the table. She started to gnaw on the chairs with excitement.
"Woah calm down girl. Heel heel." Robert placed his hand out in front of him to gain the trust of his new founded pet. Ivy began to settle down.
"Come here girl, I'm not going to hurt you." Robert said calmly.
Ivy put her forehead to his hand as a sign of deep friendship and trust. She closed her eyes, completely and utterly accepting Robert as her owner, her master, her friend. What seemed like forever, this magical moment came to an end. She looked up into Robert's eyes and smiled.
"Your hospitality is appreciated greatly. I will be the most loyal of dogs." Ivy stated
Robert believed her.

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