Part 14: Practicing

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Abbie arrived at Robert's/Hannah's house and knocked at the door. It was weird for her to go back to Robert's house, with flashing memories of the attack. She had to remind herself that Tony was in jail, and he couldn't hurt them anymore.
Robert opened the door with that perfect smile on his face. Abbie noticed that from the very first day they met, his ocean blue eyes were filled with joy every time he saw her. He warmly welcomed her into the home and opened his arms out to hug her. She could smell his jungle cologne as she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her tighter than ever, giving Abbie a sigh of relief. Maybe things weren't so different after all.
"Don't worry Ahvy is on a walk right now haha. It's just the two of us here!...Are you readay?" Robert asked with a grin.
"Yes! I can't wait to hear you sing!" Abbie said.
"Well Ah cah'nt wayt to hear you!" Robert replied.
He led her to the living room couch, and opened his chrome book lent by the school.
"I can go first!" Abbie said with confidence.
"Okay greayt!" Robert got comfortable on the couch as Abbie stood up in front of him. She began to play her song and sang.
Robert was awe struck by Abbie's melodic voice. He knew she could sing, but this was true talent. As she neared the end and belted her heart out, Robert teared up, his full attention on Abbie's every note she sang, and every emotion she portrayed. It was more than an audition to him. This felt like a performance, and it gave him hope for the future. Their future. It reminded him of all of the things he felt before Tony. All of the reason why he loves her.
Abbie ended and Robert clapped and smiled passionately.
"Abbie, that was.... amazing..... you're amazing Ah-" Robert was awestruck.
"Ah don't know what to say." Robert was speechless.
"Thank you that's so nice! Well, any critiques? Anything I can work on?" Abbie asked.
Robert laughed.
"No way! You're..... you're perfect." Robert blushed.
Abbie switched places with Robert and Waving Through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen began to play.
"Ahn the outsahide always lookaying in will Ah, ever be more than Ah've always been cause Ah'm tap tap tappin on the glass, Ah'm wayvaying through a windowOWowowowow."
Abbie began to clap quickly, but she wasn't as awestruck as Robert was with her. She already knew Robert had the perfect singing voice, especially for Alexander Hamilton. She had no doubt he was going to get this part. It was practically made for him.
"Robert, you're going to get Hamilton I will bet my life on it." Abbie stated.
"There is absolutely no way you aren't getting this part! I'm serious!" She went on.
"Aw thank you Abbie. I reallay hope Ah get it!"
Robert face went pink.
"Well, anay critiques for may??" Robert also asked.
"Nope! None! You are going to do so well!"
They both sat there for a moment, content in each other's presence.
"Thank again Abbie for coming over, Ah reallay appreciate it. It helped me feel a lawt less nervous for this audition so... thank you." Robert said with appreciation.
"I'm so glad I could help you!..... is there anything else I can do for you Robert?"
They both lingered, not wanting the other to leave so soon.
Robert tried to make up a reason for her to stay, but he didn't want to lie or force her to do anything.
"Nope Ah'm good. Thanks again!"
Abbie sighed and wished she could stay longer somehow, but she didn't want to bother Robert.
"Alright! Bye!! Thanks for everything! That was a lot of fun!" Abbie said.
They both went outside to her car. Robert walked her out with his hand placed on her back, and opened the car door for her. They waved to each other, and just like that, she was gone.
That hang out, those moments fueled her. They gave her exactly what she needed to believe that her and Robert still had something. She was really believing that their feelings for each other had faded, but after she saw the way he looked at her when she sang, the hug he gave her, this had to be real. And if they were to get their dream roles in Hamilton, she would be able to find out for sure!

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