Part 10: Crikey, I Love You (pt. 2)

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Abbie stepped onto her school bus, with shame from when she tried to drive it, leading the police to her own home. The bus driver no longer talked to her, but that fact did not affect her much when Robert and what happened last night was on her mind. She sat down and stared out the bus window, thinking about her interactions with Robert during school today. Was ignoring him the right thing to do? She had no idea.
After the long, tiring drive home, Abbie walked into her house with a sigh. She was beginning to feel guilty for what she said today, but there was nothing that could change it.
"If I could go back in time..." Abbie muttered.
After what she said today, Robert probably thought she wasn't interested. The truth was, she was just scared of losing him and his attention, even to half dog girls.
"Hey are you ok? You seem pretty down in the dumps!" Her little brother, Ty asked.
He was usually at ballet practice or school, but today he was home, which surprised Abbie.
"Hey Ty! Yeah I'm fine..." Abbie replied.
"Can I ask you a question? If a half dog girl was living at your house, would you fall in love with her?" Abbie questioned.
"No I wouldn't... but that's just my opinion." Ty answered, weirded out by the strange question.
Knowing that her brother wouldn't devote his affection to a dog girl calmed her a little, but Robert loves animals...
"Ok thanks Ty." Abbie finished.
She walked up to her room and sat on her bed. The excitement she had before about Robert didn't invade her thoughts like it used to. She began to do her homework, continuing to have little focus. This work ethic upheld until it was beginning to get late, and she had not finished much. She couldn't do this anymore. She needed to resolve this.

~Robert's House~

Ivy left through the front doggy door, and started to prance along the road. She had been to Abbie's house before, but this time, she didn't have a ride. Robert didn't have time to drive her, especially when he was getting ready to proceed with her master plan. She needed to personally say sorry, as well as guide Abbie back to Robert's house.
"I guess I'll just have to hitch hike ruff ruff!" Ivy said to herself.
Ivy stopped walking at the side of a busier road, and held up her thumb/paw to the drivers. She wagged her tail and panted at the cars zooming past her, trying her best to look like a good companion to drive with. After 10 minutes, someone with a white van without windows stopped at her side and opened the passenger door. Ivy recognized this guy from school! But she couldn't remember his name.
"Hello! Ruff ruff my name is Ivy. I think I know you from school. What is your name again?" Ivy greeted.
"Hi, it's Tony. Come in."
Ivy jumped into the seat, grateful for the cold air that came from the car air vents.
"Thank you so very much for the ride! I need to go to Abbie Tuckness's house! The address is 4972 W. Raccoon Dr." Ivy said.
"Oh ok. Sounds good to me." Tony replied, not needing the address that was given to him.
They drove in silence. Ivy could sense weird and angry energy coming from him with her dog senses. After this awkward silence, Tony tried to make conversation.
"So do you live far from Abbie? Is that why you needed a ride?" Tony asked.
"Yes I live quite far. My owner usually drives me but he is busy tonight." Ivy answered.
"Hmm. Who is your... owner?" Tony questioned, wondering about Ivy's different family dynamic.
"Oh you know him! He is the new guy at school, Robert Irwin?" Ivy said without a thought.
"Oh.... where do you live?" Tony asked, craving the information that would make his murder that much easier.
"It's 5926 S. Jungle Lane!" Ivy continued.
Tony took this information and mentally tattooed it into his subconscious mind. He could not forget this address.
"Huh... nice." Tony replied back, not even paying attention to Ivy, or driving for that matter.
"It's that house right there!" Ivy stated after more time passed in silence.
"Great... bye." Tony waved as he reversed back into the road.
"That was weird but at least I'm here!!" Ivy forgot about the strange and quiet experience and continued with her plan, for it was almost complete.

~Abbie's house~

Abbie continued to try to get something done for the school day ahead of her, but nothing was accomplished while her thoughts raced of Robert and what she was going to do. She realized she was desperate to talk to Robert, and tired of waiting. She couldn't be mad any longer for the risk of losing him for good. As Abbie was thinking this problem through, she heard a strange noise downstairs. Abbie carefully stepped down each stair, with anxiety of house intruders building up. Heart pounding, Abbie heard the noise again, coming from the other side of her front door. Then came a whine, and she instantly knew it was just Ivy, because Ivy never rang the doorbell. She just cried out with puppy whines until she was heard. Abbie opened the door and like she had expected, there laid Ivy.
"Hey.. Ivy what are you doing here?" Abbie said.
"Abbie you NEED to come quick. I am a very loyal dog! Robert really needs to converse with you!" Ivy explained.
"Robert? Is he ok?" Abbie worriedly asked.
"Yes! Please come! The time is now!" Ivy dragged Abbie to her car and they left.
Twenty One Pilots played in the background as the two friends talked with each other. Ivy knew she was not like other girls. As they talked, Ivy was careful not to spoil the surprise.
"So why does Robert need to see me right now?" Abbie asked, though she was grateful he took initiative to sort this out.
"You'll see ruff ruff!!" Ivy excitedly said.
They arrived at Robert's house, giving Abbie shameful memories of the night before. She decided to put those memories aside, making her more open to what this meeting might hold. Ivy went through the doggy door to unlock the main lock and let Abbie in. Abbie stepped inside to a dimly lit home, with candles dripping delicate wax and soft, red rose petals dispersed on the floor guiding her on a path through their living room. Abbie looked up from the decorative scene and locked eyes with Robert, who was smiling in the golden light, holding his guitar. His black suit and shoes contrasted with the white and red decor around him.
"Ah never got to sing the second verse of my song to you last night. May Ah?" Robert asked.
Abbie was at a loss for words. Robert looked as though this was the most important day of his life. She had never seen him like this, so confident yet humble, so dominating yet so welcoming and warm. He was the personage of her goals, the man of her dreams. This was the Robert she fell in love with.
"Yes, Robert. That would be amazing." Abbie spoke with awe.
Robert positioned his hands into the first chord of the song and began, stepping closer to Abbie with each line of song.
"You remind me of a parrot cause your colors light my life aye also a peacock cause you're a pretty sight aye. Did you know that blue whales are the largest mammals aye did you know that cougars can't roar aye aye. Did you know that anteaters have two foot tongues aye. But also, did you know that crikey Ah love you."
By the end of the song, Robert's face was inches away from Abbie's. He put his guitar to the side, not needing it during the heated moment.
"Abbie, Ah am so sorry for what happened, will you forgive me?" Robert pleaded.
"Robert, of course!" Abbie whispered.
Abbie could not stop staring into Robert's gentle, blue eyes. Robert returned the passionate gaze, and took Abbie's hands into his. Abbie complied, remembering the warm mold his hands made around hers. Robert pulled Abbie close, until there was no more space between them. He softly grazed his fingers across Abbie's face with organic and genuine love. Abbie's heart was beating quickly, and she was so close to Robert, she could hear his heart do the same. Abbie placed her hands onto Robert's firm shoulders. Robert's hands carefully grasped her waist, providing pressure that gave her instant comfort and security. Robert closed his eyes and slowly moved his lips towards Abbie's. Abbie closed her eyes and followed Robert's example, moving in closer. Then, before they knew it, the trigger was pulled. The front living room window shattered to the floor with small fractures of glass scattered on the carpet.
He was here.

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