Let's Do This

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Dedicated to Jackson265

Rachel POV

After a hilarious twenty minutes of Percy being peppered with questions and being hit on, he finally managed to get himself out of the spotlight for long enough for him to slip out of the hall.

Not being particularly interested in what my old classmates were up to, I followed him out immediately.

Then, after a few minutes of me getting caught up with why Percy had bothered to show up to a high school reunion considering his new slightly more important role, we starting discussing how to find Pheme.

"Well you can rule out everyone in that hall because we know everyone there, and I'm fairly sure none of them are greek goddesses," I said trying to sound positive.

There were a lot of people in Goode however, and I couldn't deny, it was a hard task.

Percy hummed in agreement.

I sighed. "Percy as much as I'd love to help, I've got a protest to go to."

"Alright, go save those trees then Rach," he said with a sigh, even louder than my own.

I hated to see him so deflated.

I scratched the back of my head. "Call me when school ends and if you haven't found anything, I'll come back tomorrow and help you look. I'll say I'm reporting on eco-friendly schools or something."

He smiled, "Thanks, Red."

As I walked away I called back to him, "And don't forget you should be seventeen!"

Percy POV

Standing looking at my 17-year-old body, in the large reflective glass windows at the front of Goode High School, I couldn't help but remember all the things I'd been through in this form.

I hadn't really thought about everything much, as my life seemed to always be in the spur of the moment with no time to reflect.

I knew this wasn't exactly the time for a life analysis, but for some reason, everything hit me all of a sudden.

Maybe it was being at my old school, being around people I used to know, that made me feel like this but...I don't feel right.

I shouldn't be a god. I should be a young adult in my early twenties, slowly growing old, not an immortal being, destined to stay young and fresh forever.

I should be looking for a job to pay the bills and eat, not being able to wave my hand and have whatever I want.

I should be with Annabeth, thinking about how to propose. But yet here I am, a single dad of a baby girl, given birth to by a mortal whose last name I don't even know.

Every chance at a normal life I'd ever had, has been ripped away by Zeus and his stupid council. I'm a god so they can control me, it's not a reward at all. And still, I run around for them to ensure they can sit their entitled asses on their thrones for eternity.

I had an urge to crash my hands into the glass and let my anger release on the transparent surface but instead, I sunk to the ground with clenched fists.

What was I doing this for? Did I even care if the gods got over-thrown? They aren't doing an amazing job anyways.

"Erebos is a creep, he can't be king," I said aloud. "That's why."

Zeus is a creep too.

"All the demigods," I announced almost arguing with the nagging voice in my head that was my conscious. "It's for them, not the gods."

They could change sides. Erebos would take all the help he could get.

I watched as a woman with a stroller walked passed. Two boys skipped along being her talking excitedly about something. One of the boys scrunched their face up. "I won't be able to go to the cinema tomorrow!" He groaned, "It's Hugo's birthday party!"

The other child showed equal dismay and for a moment I envied the children. Their greatest worries in life were those of birthday parties and movies. But then my envy dissolved and was replaced with a flame of determination.

Not for me, my childhood was long lost stolen. Stolen by the gods. Stolen by Gabe. Stolen by everything I went through that a child shouldn't have to.

And that was it, I shouldn't have to, but nobody should have to. If I don't do this, if I don't find Pheme and put the Prophecy to an end, someone else will have to, someone else's childhood will be damaged beyond repair. The gods will send demigods in my place like soldiers being sent into no-man's-land.

Nyx had made it clear that she won't submit to Erebos. He would hardly let her be free if she wasn't willing to help him.

Aphrodite wouldn't turn. Look at how Erebos had held her hostage, I couldn't let her go through that.

My dad, although not always a good one didn't deserve to be betrayed.

As a majority part of me hated the gods, I wanted them to lose control. But not to Erebos. No point in replacing and evil with a bigger evil.

The bell rang from inside the school, jolting me out of deep thought. I would think about the issue later, but for now, I was going to find Pheme and I was going to make Erebos pay.

'And then later I'd make everyone else pay,' Something whispered at the back of my mind.

I shivered slightly, but quickly my mind was removed from the nagging voice and I noticed a group of girl's walking towards me.

I stood a deep breath, stood up and gave them my best smile.

Let's do this.

Sorry for the massive wait guys. Things have been really tough but I just saw a comment and decided I would write a chapter no matter how short. So here you guys are.

The Final Prophecy Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang