Mrs Dodds 2.0

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It's been a while guys....s o r r y y y

Percy POV

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I slowly walked to the back of the classroom after making my excuses to why I was late.

I took a random seat between a redheaded girl and an emo boy who reminded me of Nico.

"Alright class take out your textbooks and flip to page 130," the teacher instructed.

Hades. I didn't have anything for this class. I didn't even know what topic we were on.

"Pst, " I whispered to the girl beside me. "What are we learning about?"

She blushed bright red for no apparent reason before saying, "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions."

Do I even know how to pronounce that?

I nodded, not wanting to embarrass myself any further.

After a few minutes of the teacher writing equations on the board, she stopped and asked the class for an answer.

Hands sprung up around the room, hoping to show the teacher that they knew what they were doing.

I unlike them, did not know what I was doing, so I chose to shrink down in my seat even further.

Naturally, I got picked.

I'll never understand why teachers pick on the people who don't have their hands raised.

I started at the board blankly.

Write in exponential form:

Log² 8=3

Shit, shit, shit.

I could feel the teachers cold stare bore into me.

"Two cubed equals eight!" I heard a voice whisper beside me.

The redheaded girl! Was that the answer?

"Two cubed equals eight!" I called out.

The teacher smiled and for a moment I thought I was off the hook, but then I saw it wasn't a pleasant smile.

It was sickly sweet, fake smile that was stretched on to her old wrinkly skin, engraved with frown lines.

"I would say well done Mr Jackson, that is if I didn't know better!"

She slowly weaved her way around the desks, her two-inch high heels clicking against the polished ground.

"I know students like you. Never hard-working, thinks the world owes them something. Leaching off others work."

I'm fairly sure the world did owe me something considering I saved it's ass twice but I kept my mouth shut.

"You got the answer of Stacy here, didn't you?" She said with a tight scowl. "I know the look on your face! You're a cheat!"

I was starting to get a little pissed off, like sure I didn't know the answer, but this was a bit of an overreaction.

"Your mommy and daddy spoon feeds you everything with a silver spoon and you never have to lift a finger! Look at you and your little rich boy clothes probably waiting to get out of class so you can go get high."

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