Part 4

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Beyonce POV

"Welcome back mommy," my friend who is also my co-worker, Tenitra said as she walked in my office while carrying a gift bag. "How's our new mommy doing?"

I smiled as I got out off my seat, met her halfway and gave her a hug. "Hey TT," I said embracing her.

"How are you doing girl?" She broke the hug.

I sighed as I gave a slight shrug. "I'm hanging in there. Its been hard but I'm trying to stay strong," I said as we went to sit on my office couch.

We got comfortable on the couch and my office door opened. I smiled when I saw my other co-worker and also friend, Veronica entering. She was carrying a gift basket with baby stuff inside.

"Sorry I'm late Bey," she said coming to sit next to me such that I was sandwiched between the two ladies.

"Awe, you guys didn't have to come with gifts," I smiled while looking at the baby stuff they brought for my son. "Elias will love these."

"How's the little cutie doing?" Tenitra asked.

I sighed. "I miss my boy so much. He's with Shawn for the week," I pouted. "Look at the cute pictures of my baby boy," I said taking out my phone and scrolling through my Gallery. I got a bunch of 'awwweee' from my girls as I showed them the pictures.

Elizabeth was right, motherhood is the most amazing thing ever. I didn't see myself as a mother a year ago but here I am now, taking care of a baby and I have a baby daddy.

"We should really go out for a girls night," Veronica said.

"I don't think that's a good idea V. Its a weekday," I said.

She sucked her teeth. "Chile please. Don't worry your innocent self. We're gonna keep it sober okay?"

She better keep that promise. I don't want to go to work with a hangover, its not a pretty look.

Shawn POV

"Ugh, stop squirming boy," I groaned as I tried to put on clothes on Elias who's laying on my bed. He keeps on kicking and giggling like its some sort of joke, its annoying. "STOP IT!" I practically yelled at him. He suddenly stopped as his chest heaved up and down, his eyes got watery and lips quivered. "I'm sorry," I said filled with regret for raising my voice at him. He started crying hysterically.

This boy is way too sensitive. I didn't mean to make him cry.

"Damn Shawn. Was you spanking the boy?" Eman said walking in my bedroom finding me trying to console Elias.

"Man, shut the fuck up and give me his pacifier," I said and he did just that. "Sorry again for losing it there little man," I said as I watched him suck on his pacifier. I rubbed his back as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"Aye Shawn," Mike walked in my bedroom. "Eman and the rest of the guys are going to this party down the street. You game?"

I sighed as I shook my head. "I'd love to but I can't go to that party. I have to take care of Elias."

Mike shrugged. "Your loss nigga," he said and he walked out.

It will be a risky move to go with Elias to the party. I wouldn't forgive myself if something happened to him because of my carelessness.


I tossed and turned on my bed as I heard the blaring music blazing through the stereos in the distance. The party down the street must be lit. I turned to Elias who was sleeping in his crib and he looked sound asleep.

I got my phone and saw that it was almost midnight. I then scrolled through my contacts and called the one person on my mind.


I chuckled to myself knowing that I must have woken her up from her sleep.

"Hey boo. Sorry I woke you up but can I come over?"

I heard shuffling on the other side and she cleared her throat.

"Is something wrong?"

I could sense that she got worried all of a sudden.

"Umm, sort of. Can I just come over?"

"Yah, come over. I'll be waiting."

I hung up the phone and got out of bed. I packed Elias's diaper bag and carefully took him out of his crib. I got out of my condo in the middle of the night and went to my car. Next stop, Beyonce's place.

I knocked on her door and she answered it within seconds.

"Come in. You can place Lias in his crib," she said as she took the diaper bag from me. I could feel her trailing behind me as I made it to her bedroom and placed a sleeping Elias in his crib. "Shawn, is something wrong?" She looked at me.

We walked out of her bedroom and I could see she's worried.

I chuckled as I rubbed either side of her arms. "Don't worry. I just wanted someone to look after Elias because I wanna go to this party down the street that-"

"The hell!" She semi yelled as her nostrils flared in anger. She closed her eyes as she rubbed her temples. "You called me in the middle of the night because you want to go to a party?"

I twisted my lips. "Yah. Pretty much," I nodded my head. "Bye," I put up a 'peace' sign and made it out of her condo. I could hear her calling my name behind me but I was focused on getting to the party.

I pulled up to the party venue and I was met with people blocking the entrance. I elbowed my way through the throng of people.

"You made it man!" Eman called out and dapped me up. He led me to the back where it was a little bit quiet.

There were a couple of guys drinking and smoking blunts.

"Here man. Let loose," Mike handed me a blunt. I huffed in then let the smoke fill the air as I exhaled.

"That's the shit," I said going to sit on one of the empty seats.

"So where's Elias?" I heard. I didn't see who was asking me because I was focused on being high.

"Left him with Bey. He ain't killing my vibe man," I slouched on the seat.

The guys chuckled as I felt myself slowly getting high. "Man, that's some fucked up shit right there. You didn't consider Bey's feelings when you dumped the boy there. Imagine if she did that to you man," Mike said.

"Nah, Bey will never do me like that. She loves Elias too much to let him out of her sight," I said.

"And you don't love Elias?" Mike asked.

Eman hit him upside the head. "Shut the fuck up Mike. You're killing our vibe you dumb ass," he spat.

We continued to talk about other things and we enjoyed ourselves.

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