Part 6

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Beyonce POV

"We should really go for that design. The models on Vogue magazine will look stunning," I said to one of my colleagues as we looked through some designs as we all sat in the boardroom. I'm just glad that my lunch break is in a few minutes because my baby and I are starving.

The door then slowly opened. "Miss Knowles, you have a visitor down at the reception," one of the interns said to me.

I smiled at him. "I'll be right down Cody," I said then I got up from my seat.

"You can take the rest of your stuff Bey. We have this covered and you should go on your lunch break," one of my colleagues, Sofia said.

"Okay. See you guys later then," I said gathering all my stuff and making it out of the boardroom. I went to put my stuff in my office then I made it to the elevator.

Who could possibly want to see me?

"Miss Knowles. A Shawn Carter is here to see you," the receptionist informed me as I walked in.

I turned and I saw Shawn sitting on the couch. He saw me and he stood up.

"Hey Bey," he smiled at me.

I haven't seen nor heard from Shawn in about two weeks so seeing him here is such a surprise. An amazing surprise might I add. I'm just so excited to see him, let's hope that he's excited to see me too.

"Hey Shawn," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"Can we please sit down and talk?" He said and I went over to him and sat on the couch. "How are you two doing?" He asked as he sat next to me.

"We're doing fine. Thank you," I said.

"How far are you?"

"15 weeks now," I said.

It felt like we were two teenagers going on their first date. It was like we were all nervous to talk to each other and quite frankly I was getting butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm officially divorced," Shawn blurted out.

"Huh?" I looked at him more confused than ever. "I don't get it."

He sighed and looked at me. "The real reason Cassie and I got married was because I was pressurized into doing it. I never loved her as a lover but as a friend. When you and I started dating, I swear on my life baby girl, you were the only woman in my life. You were never a side chick to begin with. As a matter of fact, I never had a side chick. I'm sorry I didn't divorce Cassie earlier," he said.

"You and Cassie are through?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"Baby girl, I want you and only you. I'll climb every mountain and swim every ocean just to be with you and fix what I've broken. I love you Bey, please give me another chance to prove myself. I wanna be there for you and our child."

I looked at him. "Talk is cheap, I wanna see your actions agreeing with what you're saying. I'll give you a second chance," as soon as I said that last statement his face lit up like a kid in a candy store. I took his hand and placed it on my belly. "Know what you're going to lose if you fuck up."

"I will not, trust me. I can't afford to lose my woman and child," he said then he kissed my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said then I pecked his lips.


I really enjoyed my day with Shawn. We didn't spend that much time with each other because I had to go back to work but it was fun. I can see that he's serious about getting me back into his life but its too early to tell.

Work was super exhausting and now I'm on my way home. Since its my turn to make dinner, I decided to go get Chinese because I don't feel like cooking.

I walked in the apartment and went to the kitchen to place the food.

"Ashley, I decided to get us some-...Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed in utter shock. As soon as I walked in the living room, Ashley was straddling Rob and they were busy lip locking. They looked like they were in an intense make out session.

"Eh umm, Bey we were. I mean this is just...yah," Ashley said looking at me.

I chuckled in disbelief and went to sit on the opposite couch. "What's happening here? Y'all dating now?"

Ashley got off Rob's lap and sat next to him. "You can call it a 'situationship'," Rob said. "Ash and I went on a couple of dates before and we're just testing the waters. I like her and she likes me."

This is new. Ash never told me that there's someone she's feeling. I also never thought my best friend and big brother will ever be in a 'situationship' with each other, let alone kiss each other.

"Rob came here to see you and we started talking. One thing led to another and next thing I know, we're tonguing down each other," Ashley casually said and she shrugged.

"If I didn't come in y'all was about to do more than just lip locking," I said and Ashley rolled her eyes.

"If Rob and I end up dating, are you gonna have a problem with it?" Ashley lowly asked.

I shook my head. "Y'all are grown and are free to date or be in a situationship with anyone. Just don't drag me into your business. I ain't got time for that bullshit," I said and we all shared a laugh. "Since you're here Rob, I have to tell you something."

"Mkay. What is it Juju?" He said using the nickname he gave me when I was still a kid.

I cleared my throat. "I'm...pregnant."

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Is Shawn the father?" He asked and I nodded my head. I could see him clenching his jaws in anger. "Ashley told me that he's married. I don't give a fuck if he's married, his ass better step up as a man and become a father to the child because if-"

"He's now divorced," I said cutting him mid sentence.

"What?" Ashley and Rob questioned in unison.

"He told me that today," I said. "I wanna be with Shawn and I love him."

"You are a grown woman and who you fall in love with is out of my control but keep in mind that if Shawn fucks you over again, I'm putting his ass in the ICU," Rob said.

He's really overprotective but it don't matter as long as it don't interfere with my love life.

"Don't kill him though. He is still the father of my child," I rubbed my belly. Whenever I look at my belly in the mirror, I could see the baby bump.

"I'll try," Rob mumbled. "How far are you?"

"15 weeks," I smiled and he smiled back. "For now guys, when talking to mom and dad can we please just omit the part of Shawn's marriage okay?"

"Why?" Ashley asked.

"Its a story for another day. Let's just omit it for now," I said and they nodded. I relaxed and laid back on the couch. "Rob, go fix us dinner."

"Why me?" He twisted his face.

"I'm pregnant and exhausted. I ain't got time to go back and forth with you right now so don't try me now," I calmly said.

He sucked his teeth as he got up. "I see your ass is already in 'mommy mode' and its annoying," he mumbled as he walked out.

I just went to my bedroom to freshen up.

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