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Alright Y/N.

This is fine.

Just walk up to the door.


Taehyung can't hear me knock...

He isn't in his room either so I can't use my flashlight...

I guess I could just knock and see if the curtains are possibly open or something...

Tucking the large box holding the coat under your arm and the Japchae wrapped up in your hand you carefully step out of your house and crunch leaves under your boots making your way over to Taehyung's home, your fingers lightly shaking when you reach out and knock on the old wooden door.

Okay so he won't answer...but it feels weird not knocking-

The second the doorknob rattles and the door suddenly flies open your eyes widen when you meet the stone hard gaze of a younger middle aged woman, her hand gripping the door facing so hard her knuckles turn white.

"Can I help you?"

...Who is this?!

Could this...be Taehyung's mother?

She's so young...

"U-Um...H-Hello ma'am! M-My name is Y/N and I'm here to see Taehyung?"

"....What do you want with my boy."

What...do I want...

"Um....actually I just..."

Damn I feel awkward.

JinWoo doesn't live with his parents right now so it was never awkward going to his house...

"I had some Japchae that I wanted to share with him...I had too much in my fridge and I shared soup with him the other day-"

"My son doesn't need you to feed him. I am more than capable of taking care of my own son and his nutritional needs."


"I'm sure you do perfectly fine taking care of your son Ma'am but I'm your neighbor...and Taehyung and I are friends...I just wanted to give this to him-"

"My son doesn't need to be friends with rich elites such as yourself. The very shoes on your feet could feed an entire family for a month. What right do you think you have coming over to my home sporting around your over abundance of food?"

...Damn this woman is defensive.

"....I assure you Ma'am, I'm well aware of the price of the shoes on my feet. However I didn't ask to be born to rich parents that buy me ridiculously expensive clothing items so before you make an assumption about my integrity as a person just because of my shoes maybe you should step back and evaluate your own sensibility."

"....What did you just say to me?!"

Aw damnit I did it again.

Watching the woman practically steam with anger your eyes search around the ratty house looking for any sign of Taehyung until you catch his back standing in the kitchen, his warm brown eyes meeting yours when he turns around and pops a strawberry in his mouth.

There he is!


Sticking your hand straight up in the air to signal the boy you watch his wide boxy smile grow across his full cheeks as he waddles out of the kitchen to behind his mother, his entire body glowing with admiration at your form.

Phew...Maybe he'll just come outside...

"Excuse me, but we'll be going now. We don't need your handouts."

"Wait Ma'am I apologize! I just want to give Taehyung this stuff-"

"Take your rich handouts and shove them! We don't need your help!"

Your entire body jumps in shock when the door is suddenly slammed right in your face, the sound of the door cracking through the chilly fall air and echoing in the forest beside the house.

...I ruined it...

Now I can't be Taehyung's friend...

Why do I always have to snap back?!

Why can't I just sit back and take it like other people?!

Now I've lost my new friend!


Suddenly snapped out of your own self loathing thoughts you turn towards the old door the second you hear the deep raspy voice shriek through the wood, your eyes physically widening at the sound.

...Was....Was that...Taehyung's voice?...

The air seems to go silent for what seems like an hour before the door pops open again to reveal a teary eyed boy staring at his mother, his doe-like orbs immediately settling on your form when you come into his sights.

He...he's crying?...

"My son...apparently...thinks of you as a friend. You cannot come into our home. You have five minutes."

"Y-Yes Ma'am..."

Watching the boy bolt outside and step in front of you with a new grin on his face you set the items down and playfully wipe his wet cheeks, your fingers quickly pulling your board out of your bag along with your black marker.

"Goodness Tae, there's no need to cry."

Watching the boy sheepishly wipe his eyes and sit down in the porch you grab the box holding the coat and slide it onto his lap, his warm gaze slightly widening in shock when it's turned to you.

"This was sent to me by my mom...but it's a men's...so I figured you would enjoy it more."

The second Taehyung reads the words written on the board he quickly tugs the bow off of the box and pops the lid off onto the wooden porch, his long slender fingers delicately pulling the tissue paper away from the warm camel-colored material folded inside of the box.

I hope he likes it...

Tugging the coat out of the box and standing up so the material can fall and unfold to his ankles you watch Taehyung's entire face light up in shock when he looks at the shiny Chanel pendant clasped on the pocket, his eyes shifting to gaze at you in disbelief.

"It's nice and warm...I hope it fits you well! Try it on!"

I can tell he likes the way it looks...

Quickly pulling the coat onto his thin arms and gazing at the material clasped around his body you stand up and give him a happy thumbs up, your own mouth stretching into a wide grin watching him happily spin around in his new coat.

So he does like it...and it fits him too...

Huh...that's weird...

This is the first time I've actually enjoyed something my mother sent me...

(A/N): *sigh* I hope this chapter gets more comments than the last ones 😅 I hope you all still like this story...I know it's boring and slow

Bittersweet Silence |KTH Fanfiction|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon