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(Y/N's POV)

"Ah..hi JinWoo."

"Hey baby! I tried to call you earlier but you didn't pick up!"

"Mm...I was taking a nap..sorry."

Peeling your face away from your pillow and holding your phone up in front of you a small tired frown plays on your lips, your eyes flicking up to the male inside of the phone screen smiling at you warmly.

"It's okay my sleeping beauty, I'm happy you're awake now though."

Giving the boy a slight grin and pushing yourself up into a full sitting position you gently move your gaze out your window over to Taehyung's room shrouded in darkness, the only light in the room a small orange glow of a nightlight reflecting off his sleeping face.

Aww man...I was asleep too long...I haven't even gotten to talk to Tae....

I hope...me saying I have a boyfriend...didn't make him upset or anything....

....why would it make him upset?

....why do I feel upset?


"Eh? O-Oh sorry...what did you say?"

"Would you like to eat with me again?"

"Um...actually JinWoo...I'm really tired today and I have school tomorrow..."

"Don't you have to eat a meal anyway? I got myself a fat cheeseburger since I got my paycheck today..."

God I feel so guilty.

"Hey um...hey baby?..."


"....We're okay...right?.."

Widening your eyes and staring at JinWoo who gazed at you with desperation flooding his usual aloof cool expression, his fingers fidgeting with the corner of paper from his hamburger.

"...What do you mean?"

"You know...l-like you and I? I know that we're pretty much long distance now...and I can't visit you until Christmas...I uh..I just...I just want to make sure that we're okay...."


Staring directly into the boy's desperate round eyes and his cheeks tinted a light hue of pink you exhale a deep breath and give him a grin, your own eyes rounding in light admiration and affection.

"Mm...We're okay JinWoo...I just...I'm sorry....this school is really kicking my ass...these people are like some kind of cult and trying to navigate my way around this whole town is hard...by the time I get home I really just want to go to sleep..."

"Ah..o-okay then good. Just wanted to clear that up...I'm sorry you're stuck in such a horrific place Baby...if I had the money I would whisk you away right now and bring you back here..."

"It's alright JinWoo, I know you're living in a rough enough area right now anyway. The last thing you need is me causing you extra worry."

"Please, I know you can kick anyone's ass it doesn't matter if they're taller than a tree and bigger than a pro wrestler. My baby knows how to fight."

"S-Stop it."

"Someone's blushing."

"No I'm not shut up."

"Idk baby I can see your pink cheeks even from here."


Falling into light giggles and pushing your body out of your bay window you exhale a soft sigh and make your way down the stairs, your eyes looming over the fridge now filled with completely different meals than the morning before.

Ah...now I get to eat different food I guess.



"If you want...we can eat together...I have some kind of cold noodles in here that I don't have to heat up."

"Really?! Okay! I got a supersized burger this time you would love it."

"Thanks, I get cold noodles and you get a burger."

"Oh- Baby I'm sorry!"

Propping your phone up on the counter so you can still see JimWoo you slide the bowl of cold noodles onto the slippery surface, your shoulders lightly shrugging playfully.

"I see how it is, you just wanna flex your burger."

"That isn't how it is at all!"

Poor JinWoo...I've ignored him so much that he's not feeling secure in our relationship...

Although...I can't say I feel secure either....maybe it's just the fact that we're long distanced...

He's probably right...it's just because we can't see each other everyday anymore so it's taking a toll on our relationship...this is probably just some kind of rough patch that I have to get through so things...can go back to normal...

......but then.......what about Tae?....

We've actually become pretty close...I can't just uproot and leave him...

How would he get his notes?

How would he get more art supplies when he runs out?

Who would protect him from that asshole WooMin whenever he tries to hurt him...

...I can't...just leave him...

...like I did JinWoo...



Tae still isn't awake.

Pressing both your hands against the cool glass of your window and peering across the way at the boy still wrapped up in his blankets asleep you push your lips down into a deep frown, a small huff of frustration emitting from your lips.

I've never seen him sleep this long before...I hope he isn't feeling sick or something...

Usually he's pecking on my window at this hour...

What am I supposed to do now that he's asleep?

......now I'm bored.

Pushing off your window and flopping yourself down on your bed you grab your lion plush and flip around in growing boredom, your eyes staring up at the plain white ceiling above you.

I wish Tae was awake....it's boring without him.

He was so sweet making that picnic...I wish I hadn't fallen asleep so I could have enjoyed it more...especially even with the lack of food they had he brought out strawberries...

......he said....he would protect me from WooMin......no one has ever said that before....

...why does it make my heart feel so weird....even thinking about it again...

Pulling your hand up to rest on your warm cheek now flushed red you roll yourself over on your side and squeeze your lion against your chest, your heart rate quickening thinking of the boy's round doe eyes.

Goodness...what's wrong with me...

Just the very thought...and the fact that he punched WooMin too...

....JinWoo never did anything like that for me...

I've always been the one...to do the fighting...

....it felt nice...to be protected for once...

(A/N): Ugh sorry this is so boring. Sorry sorry sorry sorry.

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