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"You want...a sign language teacher?"

Standing at the island counter in the middle of your kitchen with a hot burger and fries in front of you your entire face is lifted in shock, your hands dropping your backpack beside you.

She...brought me fast food?...

"Mother...what...what are you doing here?..."

Staring at the woman's perfect features weighed down in an odd emotion you slowly slide into one of the chairs, your eyes nervously flicking down to the burger still piping hot in front of you.

"Well I...I was quite shocked when I got your text earlier today.....s-so I thought I would drop by and get some details on this and bring you some food from that burger place you liked when we would move."

"....I was six..."

"I brought you some extra ketchup! In case you don't have enough..."

Lightly nodding your head and letting out a sigh the air suddenly becomes thick and awkward between the two of you, your hands shyly picking up the burger to take a bite.

This is so awkward....although this burger is still really good.

"So why are you wanting a sign language teacher?"

"Oh...uh...my neighbor next door...he's actually deaf...but he doesn't know sign language and the school won't approve one...so I figured since we had money and whatnot I could just have one come to the house."

Quickly taking another bite of the burger as your entire face lights up red in embarrassment you wipe your face with a napkin and push the food away, your eyes nervously falling to your feet.

I'm not used to my mother looking at me and talking to me.

Especially without someone else here.

Even the chef is already gone.

"Hmm...it seems like an alright investment. It is bettering your education, that's a skill you could use all through any career in life."


"I'll have my assistant hire you the best one and have them on a plane here by the end of the week then. I know your father has a condo outside of this city where they could stay while giving lessons."

Wow, she actually agreed to something that wasn't high fashion or the latest home decor trend.


Keeping your eyes away from your mother as your voice trails off until the two of you are back in the awkward silence her nails begin clicking against the counter, her heels nervously clicking against the wooden floors.

"Is the...is the chef any better?"

"About as good as the last one."

"Ah..I see..."

"Uh...Thanks...for the uh...teacher."

"Oh of course! I haven't ever heard you ask for anything from your father and I before so I'm more than happy to meet your wish..."

Slowly pushing yourself out of the chair and picking your backpack up off of the ground you sling it over your shoulder and push your lips up in a half hearted smile, your eyes moving up to meet your mothers odd gaze.

"I uh...I'm just gonna go up to my room now...home work and stuff."


Stopping in your tracks and turning around again towards your mom your heart lightly falls to your stomach looking at her desperate gaze, her form moving from around the counter to get closer to you.

"Are um...are you doing okay?"

You've never cared before, so why care now.

"I'm fine Mother. Don't worry about me."

Just worry about your houses.

Slowly turning away from the woman behind you clutching her expensive bag against her chest you make your way up the staircase and into your bedroom, your arms lazily chucking your backpack into the corner of the room.

That was weird....I think that's the longest conversation I've ever had with my mom...except for the incident back then...

Plopping down onto the bay window cushion and pulling your lion plushie with you your eyes focus out on the blue sky, the clouds slowly pushing across the sky as your heart continues to stay in your stomach.

I wonder if Tae's mom is going to be at their house...I didn't even consider if she would want Tae to learn sign language with me....

...Maybe I'm doing this all for nothing...

She's a very attentive mother with her son...so she could reject me completely and tell me to get off her porch...

But...if she would just give me a chance...I really want to do this for Tae...he deserves to be able to communicate...just like everyone else...

I don't know what I should do...

Now I'm all mixed up because of Mother...

I wish she would stop trying...

I wish...I wish she would just leave me alone...



Standing in the doorway of Taehyung's house holding up a plate of cookies you nervously gaze up at his mother who answers the door with her arms crossed, her eyes glaring down at you as Taehyung sits on the couch gently humming and letting out tiny whines.


Ice cold.

"I...I-I brought you guys some cookies...and I wanted to ask you something...if that's alright..."

"Taehyung and I are a little busy at the moment we don't have much time to-"

"I asked my mom for a sign language teacher."

Quickly blurting your words out into the tense air you draw your body back when Taehyung's mother narrows her eyes, her lips hardening into a thin line.

"....A sign language teacher?"

"Yeah..Uh...I tried to get the school to approve a sign language teacher so Tae could learn it in school...but...o-of course how the school is they didn't approve it...."

"So you asked your parents to get you a teacher?"

She's going to belittle me for my parents money I know it.

"Um...yeah...it's actually the first time I've ever asked them for something so...I uh...I wanted to come over here and ask you if it's alright...if Tae can learn sign language with me...I-I promise if you let him learn with me we'll stay outside! I won't ask you to allow him to go in my house!..."

Sucking in your bottom lip to gently nibble on the skin your eyes quickly flick back and forth between the woman's eyes and Taehyung's bruised face turned away from you, a gentle grin creeping across your lips when he holds up his board.

"Hi Y/N."

He seemed distant from me all day...I'm happy to see him being a little warmer...

"....Well, it's only twenty degrees out here right now, so you better come inside before you catch a cold. The oatmeal is almost done."

....Shes inviting me inside?

Of her house?


.....Either something was wrong with that burger and I'm hallucinating, or these cookies are really tantalizing.

Because it definitely couldn't be me.

(A/N): :3 :3 💜

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