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(Taehyung's POV)



Keeping his eyes focused on the girl beside him standing toe to toe with his bully Taehyung swallows hard and feels a small blush crawl up his cheeks and spread to his ears, his heart rate increasing when he watches the fire in her gaze remain unaffected by the man in front of her.


Looking over at the teacher that comes in the room and shouts at the two his gaze flicks between the pair and the teacher as Y/N smirks and shrugs her shoulders, her head tilting lightly to side in a challenging way towards the male.

What is she saying?

What are they all saying?

Looking between the two of them and pushing his hands into his lap nervously Taehyung feels the stares of the girls behind him burn against his back so he chooses to turn and stare down at his desk.

I hope Y/N doesn't get in trouble because of me...

Looking over at the pair from the corners of his eyes Taehyung watches Y/N turn away from the male and plop down in her seat with a murderous glare set in her eyes facing towards the teacher, her tongue moving under her lip to click off of her teeth.


Tilting his head to gaze over at the girl better Taehyung nervously nibbles on the inside of his bottom lip and lifts his cheeks in a small smile, his heart slamming in his chest when her gaze softens the second her eyes move over to meet his and her lips crease into a playful grin.


She's so pretty....

Pretty....is a good thing....yeah...Y/N is pretty....and she's my friend....

Wow....how did I get so lucky?...

Maybe I finally did something good to deserve her...


(Y/N's POV)

"Alright students take your seats, class is about to start."

Oh hell no.

Keeping your face nose to nose with WooMin you could cut the air in the room with a plastic knife as you both refuse to break eye contact, your hands at your sides balling into fists.

"Miss Y/N take your seat."

"Not before he does."

"Miss Y/N."

"Whatcha gonna do Sasquatch? Get yourself in trouble?"

"It's worth it."

"Miss Y/N sit down right now or I have no choice but to send you to the principals office."

....If I get sent to the office....

Finally blinking your eyes and heaving a deep sigh you turn your body and plop down into your seat while sending the teacher a death glare, your hands resting on your desk lightly shaking from the adrenaline coursing through your veins.

That bastard is lucky the teacher walked in because I will happily beat his ass and emasculate him right here in front of the whole class.

Tapping your foot on the floor and leaning your head back your eyes flick over to Taehyung who stares at you with glittering admiration in his warm teddy bear orbs, his bushy dark curls falling around his eyes and perfectly shaping his handsome face.

Poor Taehyung....I can't imagine what he's gone through for so many years because of that asshat...

Grinning playfully at the boy and writing something down on your notebook you stand the book up on the top of your desk for Taehyung to see.

"I'll sit here from now on."

"Mr. Reece, Y/N is passing notes."


Looking over and sending Bom a death glare that makes her blonde mass of curls flinch the teacher walks up to you and grabs your notebook, a deep sigh leaving his chest.

"Miss Y/N, would you like to read your note to the entire class?"

"Sure thing."

Standing up from your seat and giving the teacher a condescending smirk you hold the notebook in your hands and look down at the page, your voice carrying across the completely silent classroom.

"I'll sit here from now on."

"Miss Y/N we do keep a seating arrangement at this school-"

"And are you aware that Taehyung is being bullied by the person sitting behind him?"


What the hell?

"...Yeah, Taehyung. Sitting in my seat. He used to sit here."

Raising an eyebrow at the teacher who fixes his glasses awkwardly and nods you exhale a scoff and slap the notebook down on the desk, your body plopping back down in the seat.

"Honestly you don't even know your students name."

I can't even believe this.

"Never mind Miss Y/N, lets begin class. I'll allow you to sit there today but tomorrow you need to sit in your regular seat."

There is seriously something wrong with this school.

Nodding to yourself and looking over at Taehyung who quietly sits at his desk with his eyes down you flip the page of your notebook and get out your pen, your head slightly nodding up and down with satisfaction.

Oh well...at least Taehyung gets a break from these people being rude to him...maybe a day without WooMin's wrath will make him have a better day...

Also...if the teacher doesn't want to acknowledge the fact that he has a deaf student...then I'll acknowledge him for him.

I'll just write down his entire lesson so Taehyung can read it and be in class with the rest of us.

How does he even learn properly when he can't hear...does he just sit here the entire time?

How does he get grades?

....Is he failing?

Snapping yourself out of your own thoughts and starting at the top of the page your fingers go as fast as possible listening to the teacher speak, your hand already starting to cramp following every word he says.

There's no way Taehyung has a correct education just sitting in this hell hole staring at the top of a desk all day long.

He's made it this far just by staying silent and letting it happen to him...

Poor guy...I couldn't imagine someone being treated so horribly...just because they have a disability...

(A/N): Double? 👀

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