ch 24

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"Two days later had passed in those two days I stayed with my mother in the house while Jimin was staying with his mum preparing for the wedding"

Su-yeon : y/n you look stunning!

y/n : "nervous" Really!

Su-yeon : Girl if I wear your husband I would have kidnapped you "chuckle"

y/n : Don't be silly Su-yeon...this is important right now the dress looks good on me?

Su-yeon : Hmm turn around..

"When I turned around she spanked me on my butt!"

Su-yeon : Yup you are ready!

y/n : Aw that hurts!!

Su-yeon : Sorry..."sigh" okay I think you are completely ready and "tearing up" I will call your mum now

y/n : Why are you tearing up?

Su-yeon : "smile" It's weird for me attending my childhood best friend's wedding I "smile" I am so happy for you

y/n : "hugging" You are gonna make me cry...if You ruined my make-up with your emotions I will kill you Su-yeon "tearing up"

"Knock Knock"

y/n : Oh god!

Su-yeon : Collect yourself!...come in

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

"I was too nervous to enter her room when I heard an answer from Su-yeon I took a deep breath and entered she was looking at the ground when she raised her head I stopped walking she looked so beautiful and natural simple I walked slowly to her direction till I stopped in front of her"

Su-yeon : Well..I will leave you two together don't be late we are waiting down hmm "smile"

"We stayed like this around 10 minutes I don't know what should I say and the same goes to her that was pretty awkward it feels like we never talked before"

y/n : You wanna say something..

Jimin : "smile" You look pretty today

<<y/n's P.O.V>>

"Are you serious!!!!! preparing for like 5 hours and standing on my feet for 10 minutes just to say- I know I am pretty you don't have to tell me YAH"

y/n : "giggle" That's it?

Jimin : Maybe that's it for now..."coming closer" but when we arrive home we will have long talk together Okay?


y/n : Sure...

"After we finished our marriage ceremony clapping and cheering was all that I can hear he came near me and took my waist kissing me deeply sending me shiver and butterflies in my stomach"

Su-yeon : Congratulations guys I am so happy for you two!!

Jimin : "smile" Thank you Su-yeon

Jimin's mum : I am so happy for you two , I am glad you chose her she is very special girl take care of her "smile"

Mum : Don't worry "smile" I am sure they will...

Taehyung : Congratulations!!!

J-hope : Yah seriously I can't believe you , you said you would NEVER be her friend

Taehyung : "giggling" He didn't lie look! Are they friends now!!

Su-yeon : Hey do you wanna them to breakup or what!

My Annoying Partner &quot;JM&quot; (Jimin X Reader) &quot;Editing&quot;Where stories live. Discover now