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"We went inside the car I was looking at the window silently he was driving and each minute pass I can feel his eyes on me I was thinking about Jeong-wu I felt broken that jerk destroyed everything he did this for this silly prank I can't believe him"

Jimin: Why are you silent?

y/n: Like you don't know "chuckle" shut up and drive silently!

Jimin: Are you really mad because of that Jeong-wu?

"I got really mad and I turned my face to him"

y/n: Are you serious! you made him think that we are dating are you do I suppose to be ha happy? you know that he is my crush how can you do this

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

"She was really mad..and talking serious I didn't know why but when she mention him I feel so mad and angry I was trying to hold my temper really hard but she kept talking about him and that mad me crazy for no reason"

Jimin: Why you didn't tell him then ha? why didn't you just say that I am a liar if you love him you would push me away

y/n: You still think you are not wrong!

Jimin: I think I am not the only one who did wrong

<<y/n's P.O.V>>

"That's it!"

y/n: Stop the car!

Jimin: What the hell are you saying!!

y/n: I said stop the damn car!

Jimin: Don't be childish y/n

y/n: Don't you hear me stop it or else

"He sigh looking at me then he stopped the car I got out of it once it stopped"

Jimin: Where are you going y/n...

y/n: Non of your business

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

"I found her walking fast I couldn't leave her like this she is silly and can do anything I got out of the car and went after her she was walking near the trees it was so calm her back was facing me then I found her talking without turning to me"

y/n: Why are you following me..go away!

Jimin: y/n it's not safe to stay in a calm place alone come with me

"I heard her chuckle then she turned around facing me she looked really sad"

y/n: Why do you care? you are just my partner and once my mum come I will leave why are you acting like this tell me!

"Me myself was asking the same thing what do you have to make me think about you that much"

Jimin: Because I have to take care about you till your mother come Mrs.Han

y/n: "chuckle" Why am I a kid or something Mr.park tell this the reason?...then don't worry about that I can take care myself now go

Jimin: y/n this is not the solution if you are really sad about what happened , at the party just tell him the truth that's it and something else I did this not because of your silly prank y/n but to save you...didn't you see how he looked at you I am a man y/n and I can feel what he wants from you

y/n: What do you mean?

Jimin: Come on y/n you know what I am talking about if you don't trust me it's fine

y/n: Jeong-wu is not like that Jimin....he is nice don't judge him without knowing him

Jimin: You will know what I am talking about later if you don't want to come with me fine but don't be late

"I turned around to leave but heard her voice interrupting"

y/n: Will you leave me here?

Jimin: You wanted to stay here so

y/n: Who said that I didn't say that unless you wanna throw me here "putting hands on the waist"

"I smiled at her cuteness and then stretched my hand for her she smiled before running grabbing my hand with her little smooth hand"

Jimin: Let's go now

<<y/n's P.O.V>>

"I held his hand while going to his car something inside telling me that this is right to be beside him and keeping next to him and I was really happy by this feeling but then I thought about Jeong-wu I have to be loyal so I just put those thoughts away we went inside the car and arrived home"

y/n: Ah I am so tired

Jimin: Take some rest in your room then I told you you should sleep yesterday keep this as a lesson to not be late

"I was sitting on the couch looking at him"

y/n: you are right I should have listened to you but guess what

Jimin: What?

y/n: I don't have college tomorrow

Jimin: Really?

y/n: yeah tomorrow will be free

Jimin: Great then I will be the only one who will wake up early then

y/n: True

Jimin: Okay go up now and change your clothes

y/n: Stop acting like my mum

Jimin: Go!

"He ordered me to change my clothes and I HATE when someone push me to do something I looked at him for few seconds then went upstairs to my room I changed my clothes after I took a shower then I tied my hair in a pony tail after I finished everything I went to take a small nap"

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

"I was in my room doing some stuff checking the papers while I was talking to J-hope about the schedule for tomorrow after I finished everything I hangout with him and begin to return everything to it's place I got out of the room realising that the house is so calm...dead silent...I scratched the back of my head and called y/n"

Jimin: y/n! where are you!!

"Why she didn't respond to me? could it be?...but I told her to rest from two hours how long does it take to be set and ready...she is lucky to have someone beside her she is so messy"

Jimin: "sigh" Y/N!

"I entered her room and found her sleeping on her bed hugging a big fluffy teddy bear while murmuring like a baby I stopped for a second admiring her the blanket hugging her with the teddy bear her checks are red and her hair on her face she looked exactly like a little kid I was smiling like an idiot at her cute pose...I took my phone and captured a photo for her while she is sleeping after that I shook her to wake up but she didn't move at all"

Jimin: y/n wake up you slept for two hours this is not a small nap

y/n: five more minutes and I will wake up

Jimin: You don't want me to do like last time "smirk"

"I found her opening her eyes slowly in a scary way glaring at me"

y/n: Fine..get away now

"She pushed me causing me to drop on the floor then she stood up stumping out of the room"

Jimin: Hey...wait

My Annoying Partner &quot;JM&quot; (Jimin X Reader) &quot;Editing&quot;Where stories live. Discover now