ch 12

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"After we arrived home no one of us spoke to the other we went directly to our rooms and once I closed the door I called Su-yeon"

y/n : Hey Su-yeon..

Su-yeon : Hey... are you ready for tomorrow

y/n : Nope..I really don't wanna go

Su-yeon : Is it because of Jimin?

y/n : It's more complicated than that

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

"On the group call"

Taehyung : You put yourself in troubles

J-hope : What is the point on going to that place

Taehyung : You got insane..this girl changed you alot...and more than she did

Jimin : Taehyung don't remind me she is something from the past and I don't feel regret actually

J-hope : "sigh" Jimin why did you do that

Jimin : That boy is looking at her in a Weird way I don't feel comfortable when she get near to him

Taehyung : lost your mind!

<<y/n's P.O.V>>

Su-yeon : I don't really understand you , you feel happy around Jeong-wu at the same time you feel happy around jimin

y/n : And who told you I feel happy around Jimin

Su-yeon : Girl your eyes tell..I didn't know you yesterday I knew you since we were kids don't play dumb

y/n : I am confused.

Su-yeon : You have feelings for Jimin admit it..

y/n : NO!

<<Jimin's P.O.V>>

J-hope : Jimin don't have to worry she is 20 years old

Jimin : And?

Taehyung : She will face some experiences...we were doing the same on their age Hoseok remember that blond girl in our section

J-hope : I do!!

Jimin : Can you please focus with me

Taehyung : Okay I am sorry

J-hope : Jimin answer you have a crush on her

Taehyung : You don't right?

J-hope : Why you don't answer me??

Jimin : Okay I do...

J-hope : Jimin!

Jimin : It's not something that I can control

J-hope : I am not mad..but I feel worried

Taehyung : Maybe this is just a temporary will fade away

Jimin : I don't think so..

J-hope : "sigh"Jimin you have to focus

Taehyung : We don't wanna you to feel regret again...we don't wanna repeat this again

<<y/n's P.O.V>>

y/n : Su-yeon you are confusing me gosh

Su-yeon : y/n are you DUMP...if you have feelings for Jeong-wu you won't HESITATE on telling the answer you need to set your mind

y/n : And how will I set my mind do you think "sarcastic way"

Su-yeon : Tomorrow is your chance you will see both of them together

My Annoying Partner &quot;JM&quot; (Jimin X Reader) &quot;Editing&quot;Where stories live. Discover now