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As I walked out of the building and to the dorms, I found someone waiting there. Nagito was by my dorm room on his phone, with his back and leg resting on the wall. I approached him, "hey Nagito, were you waiting outside for me?" "Yeah, sorry to bother you at this time, but I was wondering if we could maybe, you know, spend some time? Of course you don't have to spend time with a waste of space like m-" "no it's fine" I cut Nagito off, just listening him y'all like that about himself saddens me. "Is there a location you would like to go to?" I asked. "Well I had one particular place in mind I would like to go to with you." "Alright, lemme just change out of my uniform mkay? You can come inside my dorm and wait if you like.

       I unlocked my door, and headed off to my room. I got changed into some casual clothing, fixed up my hair, and met up with Nagito in the living room. "I like your outfit, you have an amazing style y/n" "thanks, your style is amazing as well," I complimented while a faint shade of blush were on my face. We left my dorm room, and began waking to our destination. Nagito mentioned earlier that the place wasn't that far from here. We arrived at a nice cafe. It had leaf decorations, and had a very soothing atmosphere and aura to it.

      "Hi welcome to Kocha to Kohi cafe, what would you like to order?" I glanced at the menu, "I'd like to order some chai tea with extra sugar, along with some strawberry flavored biscuits, and some salad." "Okay then, what about you sir?" Nagito took a second to answer, "I'd like some ginger root tea, but not too much ginger, along with rice cakes, and salad for me as well." "Okay then, we'll have your order prepared, for now you may sit down at an empty table." The cashier said. Nagito and I scanned the area, for an empty table, and found one. As we sat down, we were silent. Both of us were having a hard time coming up with conversation starter.

      'Crap, this is really awkward.' I thought to myself. Then I randomly blurted out of panic, "how's your family doing ?" Nagito looked at me with a smile and said, "my family is doing just fine in their graves." "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to say that I was just panicking and I just didn't know what to say since this was becoming really awkward and all I won't say that again that was so rude O-" "ma'am, your order," the waiter said while holding the tray of Nagito and y/n's orders. I felt so embarrassed after what I said to Nagito, not only that, but the fact that I frantically apologized so loudly inside a cafe with people around. I left my seat and went to the bathroom.

      "Why am I such an idiot?" I said to myself. Tears had escaped my eyes. All I wanted was to enjoy spending time with someone, and I had to screw it up. My face was red, and my eyes were puffy. I stayed in the bathroom for what felt like ages, but had really been 30 minutes. I washed off my face, and headed back to my seat. After a couple minutes of silence, Nagito spoke up. "Hey y/n, are you okay? You seemed pretty upset, if you want we could cancel this date." I thought about canceling, wait- date? My face then turned another shade of red.

      How come the thought of this being a date cross my mind. A bunch of questions went flying around my head. 'If this is a date, does Nagito like me? No no no no, we just met a couple weeks ago. Sure we hang out and sometimes have lunch, study together, hang out at each other's dorms. Yeah. We've spent a lot of time together huh. I guess it's not impossible, but still, does he like me that way?' My thoughts wouldn't stop flowing, that I couldn't even hear Nagito calling my name. Until he came up only five inches away from my face.

         "Y/n, are you alright?" Nagito asked out of concern. "H-huh? Yeah I'm alright. Sorry for worrying you." "No worries, it's fine, would you like to leave?" "Yeah, I think it's best that we leave. I'm sorry." "No need to apologize, if staying here makes you uncomfortable we can go." We got up, and walked back to the dorms. Nagito has walked me back to my dorm. As he was about to leave, I grabbed onto his hand, and said, "could you maybe stay with me a little longer?"

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