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  I put everything away, and set the bear in a gift wrapping box that matched  the bear's color scheme. I left my dorm, and searched for Junko's dorm. I knew for a fact that Junko was most likely a first year here, since I've never seen her face until today, so finding her was a piece of cake. I walked up to her dorm, and lightly knocked on it. In less than a second, the door opened.

  Junko then began to literally glomp the life out of me. The gift box was knocked out of my hands, to which Junko took notice to. She let go of me, an began to shred the paper apart. When she opened the box, her big smile grew even more. She then began to glomp me AGAIN, but this time, I pretty much expected it. "Omg, thank you, it's just my style, how do I repay you?" I kindly smiled and said, "you don't have to repay me".  "Oh no no no. I insist darling". I could've sworn her smile turned into something else for 0.282 seconds.

  She then dragged me out of the dorms, and began to talk. "I have this friend who made this brilliant tearjerking anime and I'm telling you that you NEED to see this masterpiece!" Hesitatingly, I continued to follow her. Junko's sister Mukuro had caught wind of our conversation earlier, and now began to join us on our walk to who knows where.

  We arrived it the statue of Izuru Kamakura, the founder of Hopes Peak Academy. Junko then started opening some sort of secret passageway. As we went down the steps, the door shut. I could tell this place had a bad vibe and I knew damn well that I this eery place has something going on in it. I was led to a room, mangas all lined up on a bookshelf. An illuminating light from a animation device, as a not so healthy person was making some progress on their work. The person seemed oddly familiar, I wanted to see their whole face so I could make out who it is, but Junko began to speak up.

  "Hey Mitarai!" That's when he turned around, he looked exactly like my classmate Mitari. I was convinced that it was him, but there was no way he could've gotten so skinny in a matter of a few hours. "Hey Junko." He greeted back. "Soo, I was wondering, could you show this girl right here your amazing anime for a moment, she made me this glamorous teddy bear in just an hour, and I didn't know how to repay her back."  "Oh alright, Mitarai stopped animating, and hit play.

  My entire focus stayed on the anime.  I watched, completely captivated into it. I couldn't even feel the tears trickling down my face. It felt so hypnotizing, I felt so purified just from seeing this animation alone. When it ended, I snapped out of the trance, and was self aware of my surroundings. I wiped off my tears, "Wow, I- don't even have words to say about this, it's a total masterpiece. H-how log have you been working on this?" Mitarai smiled, and said, "I honestly can't even remember when I first began, but I guess that just shows that I've work on this for so long."

I could feel my social battery almost dead right now, so I decided to leave. As I headed back up,   The sun was already setting down. I gazed at my watch which read 5:45 . I went back to my dorm, picked something to eat, and went to bed.

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