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Someone suggested for me(I believe it was @Chaoticy_Is_Horne) to write a chapter of y/n and Nagito cuddling. I realized that the setting was the perfect place to fit that into this chapter! If you are reading this, thank you for the recommendation! ^^
The movie was a horror movie. I'm not the type to get scared easily, but this one in particular was very.. moving. I jumped a few times, and the death scenes were made so well, there's no lead to who was next. Chiaki, who had almost fallen asleep every five seconds, was awaken and jumped to the screams of horror on the scream and from her friends. Ibuki, had screeched to the top of her lungs at every death moment. Kazuichi did as well, but he also screamed at every jump scare. I almost thought we would get kicked out for causing so much disturbance.

    Nagito didn't seem all that frightened, he seemed like he was enjoying it. However, he jumped at the loud sudden sounds a lot. He must be the type to dislike loud noise. Nekomaru seemed to be thrilled as well. The noises were nothing to him, after all, he's pretty much the king of being loud.

  On the other hand, Mikan seemed so cautious of the loud sounds, yet squealed every time and cried during the death scenes, feeling so awful for them. I was getting a little jumpy, and the movie was getting a little too frightening. Nagito, who was sitting next to me, seemed to notice me acting differently, and whispered, "Hey y/n, are you alright? I noticed that you went from being a little calm, to uneasy." I smiled at him, he cared about me and how I was feeling.

     "Yeah, I'm not the type to get scared like this though. I love horror movies, but this one was a little over the top" I replied back. Nagito looked disappointed at his pick of movies, seeing that almost everyone was completely terrified. I lifted up the arm rest next to him, and side-hugged him while my head laid on his chest. He was surprised, but hugged me back.
The rest of the movie, we stayed like that. Cuddling each other, and being in one another's comfort.

As we cuddled, none of our friends seemed to notice us. Their focus was on the movie. Once the movie was over, and the lights dimmed slowly back on. Nagito and I broke the hug, and picked up our snacks. It took a while for our friends to get up after witnessing everything that unfolded on the screen. We threw away our snack bags. I didn't finish my slushee, but I threw it away since it melted. My popcorn wasn't finished either, but I kept it, I didn't want to waste popcorn that still tasted good.

"Man that was good!" Nekomaru bellowed, while stretching his limbs. Chiaki seemed annoyed the whole movie. Kazuichi's face was terrifying. Ibuki seemed spooked but gleeful of such a good scare. Mikan was shaking like crazy, while Nagito seemed calm. We all took a moment to use the bathrooms. We left the theater, and walked all the way back to our dorms(get a car already y/n 🙄🤚). After some good byes, I unlocked my door to my dorm room.

I set my bag on a counter, and instantly sprinted to take a nice warm shower after such a day. As I was washing myself, my head kept replaying Nagito and I cuddling. Blush started to rise on my face. I finished up, and dried myself off with a towel. I put on a change of clothes, brushed my teeth, and went to my bed to hit the hay. Peacefully, my thoughts of Nagito had been recently consuming my mind now. I don't know why, but I just feel so attached to him. I just wanted to hang out with him. After a couple of minutes, I fell to sleep.

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