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  It was the end of the day, I began to walk to the dorms, and set things straight with Junko. Once I reached the gate, I could feel her gaze shift onto me. I slowly began to walk toward her. An innocent smile, so much different than earlier was on her face. "Hey y/n! So, let's get straight to the point" Junko's expression shifted to a look of seriousness, so did her tone in voice. "What's your decision?" A lump in my throat had made me feel queasy, but I eventually spoke up.

With a slightly shaky voice I responded. "I would love to help you, but I would like you to tell me what you want me to do first." Junko smiled again , "alright. All I need for you to do is design a teddy bear. That's all." I was stunned. I never expected her favor to be that, I expected something dangerous from a girl with such a personality. "Alright, I'll make it. What type of design would you like?"  "I would like the bear split representing something like me." I thought for a moment, and the idea of what to design the bear hit me in an instant.

  "Kay then, I'll start working on it right now". I began my way to the dorms, "byebyeee!" Junko called out to me. "Bye Junko!" I scurried off to my room, feeling like a fool. I suspected her so much, and even told my teacher, when all that girl wanted was a teddy bear design. I began my work, and grabbed some cotton, fur, and other materials for my work.

   It was now 4pm, I had finished the bear in about one hour. One side of the bear was white, with a little dash of adorable pink on the cheeks, black button eye, and round bellybutton. On the other side of the bear, was black. The eye was like a red demon wing, and a mischievous grin was included on that side. I looked at the bear front and back, knowing well that it definitely captivated the aura and personality of Junko Enoshima.

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