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I woke up, my head throbbing like crazy, my eyes adjusting to the bright lights surrounding me. My mind foggy and incapable of recalling memories before my current situation. I was tied down to a chair, unable to escape. I looked around, and was in what appeared to be a classroom.

"So, your awake now". I flinched, startled by the sudden voice I couldn't recognize. Hesitantly, I asked, "who, who are you?" "Such an ordinary question, a question most people would ask to a stranger they can't see. Way to predictable and boring to even answer. Who I am has nothing to do with you". I furrowed my brows, "Um, do you at least know why the hell I'm here?"

  "Because I got a surprise for you!" I turned around to see a familiar person, Junko. Her sister came in with a cart, filled with weapons, a camera, tape, and a microphone. "Don't worry y/n! I don't really feel like telling the details of what's about to happen.. besides isn't a mystery better to stay a mystery till the right timing?" I sighed, I felt my skin getting cold. I just wanted to sleep, not wanting anything to do with whatever is going on. I decided it dive right into daydreaming about many things, until they arrived.

  It was the student council, I watched as they walked in, just as confused as me. "Oh finally, the stars of the video are finally here! Now we can get things movin!" She grinned. It was, so malicious.. I didn't like how things were going. The student council began asking her questions, "like why were we here?" Of course, Junko had answered none. Instead, she would shrug, and wait for them to finish up with the questions, until they asked , "what do you want from us?"

   I could feel her smile growing more, with her bad intentions growing. I couldn't keep quiet anymore, so I spoke up. "Hey, I can tell you guys are probably trying to have a meeting, but I think it would just be better to leave and come back tomorrow." Of course, I was completely ignored. I felt a little angered by that, but then again, if something happens to them, well, that's on them.

"Alright! Now that you FINALLY asked the question I waited so long for.. I'm gonna have each student council member.. kill each other." My eyes slightly widened, she's clearly joking right? As much as I wanted to believe that, I could tell from her facial expression that this was no joke. The student council was so much more baffled than me. "T-there's no way we would ever kill each other!" Oh brother, I wish they could realize now that they're seriously fucked up, I mean, just look at Junko's face. I may not know them or know why I'm here, but I know for a fact none of them need to die. "Run! Scram! Shoo! Just leave already!" I yelled at them, in hopes of them being able to react quick enough.

However, Mukuro was already blocking the door. Junko then picked up the tape, and walked over to me. "Jeez bestie, you're quite the motor-mouth so I'm just gonna have you shut up now." I panicked, "but wait at least tell me why I'm her-". Too late. Now I can't speak. Junko then walked back to the center of the room and announced something. "As you can see, we have a cart of weapons! Feel free to use them. Oh wait! But that's not all we have on our handy dandy cart! We have all your secrets. All your worries. All the terrible things you did. All things about your family. All things about your struggles. And if you are thinking that we're lying, you should probably change that mindset, you'll get yourself killed first or something lol".

The student council just kept saying stuff lie "we won't kill each other over that!" Well they kept saying all that, until a gunshot. One of the members had shot another. Thus began the killing game. I looked at the dead body on the ground, feeling the urge to throw up. Of course, my mind decided to sidetrack and think, 'I warned them..' I shooed off these thoughts, as a few tears fell down. I kind of found it hard to sympathize since they pretty much didn't leave when I first told them to. As more and more started dropping like dead flies, I couldn't stand looking at it. It was as if every time someone died, the deaths after would just be t more brutal.

I shut my eyes, the song Mukuro was singing and the screams of my upper-classmans definitely didn't help. As it went on, Junko had snuck up behind me, and placed barraquer eye speculum into my eyes to forcibly keep them open. I was in so much pain, my eyes were turning red, tears were running, and so was my nose. I couldn't turn around, everywhere I turn, a dead body would be there. For what felt like an eternity, the killing finally ended with none of the members surviving.
~~~~~~~~~Author Note~~~~~~~~~
Hey y'all, I wrote a longer chapter since I took a while to write this one, I hope y'all enjoyed it! I actually wrote this during online school 🦦anyways just wanna say have a nice day!

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