Ep2 pt4. Now or never

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"Willie, I don't understand, what did I do?" Questioned Alex as he tried his hardest to hold back his tears as his lip began to tremble making his throat sore. He always got told that he was the emotional one of the group and yet, this was the most heartbreaking thing he had to endure.

"It's Caleb, he's gone missing and he still lays claim on my soul... I fear he'll make me hurt you Alex, and I care about you too much for that to happen" explained Willie, he reached out and took Alex's hand in his as though they were parting.... for a very long time.

Normally, Alex would be screaming internally or having a nervous breakdown at the pure thought of Willie's hand being brushed against his, however he was far too hurt to be his usual, awkward self.

"Yeah well... you already have"

Alex gave willie one last pleading look before drawing his own hand away from his first real crush who seemed to have stolen his heart and stomped on it until there was nothing left. With the lingering emotion of emptiness, he poofed away; leaving Willie alone.


School was over and Julie could finally relax. that was until she realised that this was the moment- the moment she was going to tell her dad everything! Well... not everything, she was sure to leave out the whole ghost part.

She and Carlos had already been through the whole 'ghost' situation which they had come up with a firm negotiation resulting in him getting her share of ice cream at dessert. Despite the reduction of the creamy delight, all that mattered to her was that Carlos knew his place.

"Ok, Alex has been gone a really long" began a concerned Luke "I'm starting to get worried"

Reggie nodded in agreement, he missed his friend and it was rare for the band to be without each other for this amount of time without any knowledge of where they are.

"Me too" Julie agreed, perhaps the introduction to her father could be postponed, right now all that mattered was Alex.


Alex wandered through the park in the glistening moonlight; it was he perfect night, not too cold, not too dark, just perfect.. or at least it would have been if his mind wasn't cluttered with Willie thoughts all in which just made him sad.

His mind drifted to a time when his pulse still thumped, when his blood still ran, when he was... alive. He remembered his parents and how they would smother him and embarrass him in front of everyone which he of course hated, he was never one for being the centre of attention. He recalled how once he had revealed his sexuality they were never the same again and oh, how he wished he appreciated all the affection he was now missing.

He still questioned if they remembered him the way he did them to this day. Do they still care? He hadn't gone to 'visit' them yet, he was far to worried and anxious that he'd been disappointed with the answer.

After several hours of thinking, Alex, decided he'd better make it back to his friends, they must of been curious about his whereabouts.

He poofed back inside the garage to be greeted in a tight embrace by Julie, Luke and Reggie~ hugging was definitely the best part of being touchable again. He was surprised to see how much they cared for him causing a single tear to roll down his cheek while he instinctively wiped it away with the corner of his sleeve before anyone could see it.

"Where you been? We've been worried" Reggie asked smiling sympathetic at Alex

"It doesn't matter now, I just wanna play some music" Drumming always calmed Alex down, it was a way of channeling all that anxiety inside.

Julie suggested they played a sunset curve original so she could observe and learn about their style of music, how could they refuse? They ended up playing now or never for her which she enjoyed very much.


I would normally Wright the song out but I couldn't be bothered, I know that sounds lazy but I wanted this out today and I figured you already know the song so it didn't really matter but sorry for those who care.

I explored more about Alex, his past and his relationship with Willie a bit more because I think we should know a little more about him.

I promise the plot shall develop more, these first two episodes were just a way of introducing the setting and situation.

Nevertheless I hope you enjoyed this chapter


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