46 - Professor Des Ball

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Day 12: Karen State - Australian Karen School, Late Afternoon

“Miss Ti, Miss Ti, here new teacher come help school!” Jade Eyes looked at the white woman with anxious distrust. She was a big woman and towered over the the children and all of the adults as well. Jade Eyes imagined her wrestling the men and throwing them to the ground if they didn’t do as she asked. This is what she’d seen Madam Baihu and her monster russian guard do to people. Jade was glad Vlad had killed himself with his own knife, but she still didn’t know what had happened to make him go mad like that.

“Ah yes, from Madam Qing. Good then you’ll be smart and quick to learn,” and she held out her hand to greet Jade. She wasn’t sure what to do with the hand as nobody had ever offered to shake her hand before. Jade Eyes stepped closer to Miss Ti who took her hand and gripped it then gave it a gentle shake up and down twice, then held on to it.

“I shake the hand of every student every morning they arrive at our school and again in the afternoon as they leave. It is our formal greeting and farewell and ensures each student is spoken too. Some students take that opportunity to ask a question or tell me something they haven’t been able to do during the day.” Miss T leant in close to Jade, “you can read what the child is really feeling in how they hold their hand.” Miss T glanced down and nodded at Jades hand resting in Miss T’s seemingly giant paw. “You are nervous and a little afraid, though excited to be here perhaps?”

“Yes Miss T, I uh, yes I am, because I here to learn not to become a teacher!” Miss T laughed, “and how would you become a teacher Miss Jade?” Jade frowned then her eyes grew wide as did her smile. “… by going to school?”

“Yes Miss Jade, by going to school and then college and perhaps even university? … and you have to help the younger children learn and that will help you earn money to help you get to college!”

Jade smiled a very big smile and tears rolled down her cheeks at the thought of learning and, and, and …” She burst into sobbing tears and fell into Miss T’s big mother arms as if nothing in the world could ever separate them. Miss T smiled her that’s what I’m here for smile and waited for Jade to feel strong enough to break contact.

Slowly Jade pulled away and Miss T handed her a clean handkerchief. “When you finish with this, wash it and dry it and always keep two or three in a pocket or up your sleeves. You will need them every day for the children, many of whom are orphans or have run away from slavery and abuse.” Jade smiled and nodded in understanding. “We also mend broken hearts here,” Miss T finished. “Now lets show you around the town and the school.

They walked away from the school toward a group of large buildings set to the northern side of the town and away from the the majority of houses and the market square. Miss T introduced Miss Jade to everyone they met and all the responses were, “wonderful to have another teacher; good, very good and also some Karen words which Miss T said didn’t translate well but much the same.

For the first time in Jade’s life she felt welcomed, strong and now she understood why Madam Qing had sent her as another teacher. It was good for her and for the school.

“Ah there is Professor Des, talking at the meeting house with those army officers!” “… but isn’t he a school teacher?” Jade asked. Miss T chuckled and looked at Jade. “I will tell you the whole history over the next few days, but what is important is that you understand that Professor Des Ball saved the Karen from annihilation by the Myanmar Army. He came over from Australia and taught the Karen officers how to fight the Army and they won!”

“One man did that?” asked Jade frowning at the elderly white man talking fearlessly with the Karen army officers. Miss Tiarne Fields smiled and chuckled, “I come from Australia too and Des is quite famous for his what is called mil-i-tar-ry stra-te-gy.” Jade mouthed the words, learning them, feeling them, making them her own. Tiarne watched Jade do this and nodded to herself at smart a girl she really was. Madam Qing had been right to send her to them, even with all the risks.

“… but if he is teaching the army to fight, why the school?” Tiarne laughed. “… because you don’t win wars just with armies, but with the hearts and minds of the people!”

Des Ball excused himself from the officers and made his way awkwardly down the steps of the meeting house set up on its high poles and came toward. “Tiarne good to see you, and is this the new girl?”

Jade looked at the craggy face of the old man and felt nervous again. “It is Des yes. This is Jade, Jade this is Mr Des.” He put out his hand for her to shake and she extended hers to match though she was very tentative. She tried to say, “Good day Professor Ball” as she had heard someone else so to him in the Meeting house as they had approached but her mouth went dry.

“Nervous are you Jade, that’s good. Lots around here to be nervous about still. Why don’t you go over to the Kitchens there and get yourself some supper, good girl,” and he shook her hand and waved her off.

He turned to Tiarne, “she can’t stay here!” Tiarne turned frowning, “… but …” My sources tell me the chinese have a special forces team looking for anyone involved in those Incarna Interventions in Yunnan. Gossip is rife and really she is extremely lucky to have made it here!” He turned and looked at the Meeting house where the officers where starting to disperse. Some to vehicles and some toward the kitchens.

“The major has asked we allow her to stay no more than two days. You will need to transfer her to your school in Chiangmai!” “… but our arrangement with Madam Qing …?”

Des just shook his head, “this is probably my last visit. The Karen have their independance. Aung San Suu is president of Burma and you and Everett have been running the schools here more effectively than I ever could." Des looked around as if saying goodbye. "Get Everett to sort out Madam Qing and whatever schemes he has with her. Peace is always more difficult than war and I’m not a politician!” Tiarne laughed at Des being so self effacing.

“Yeah right Des, but ok, I get it. I’ll send Jade down to Chiangmai and get Everett onto slowing things down with Qing.” Des kissed her cheek and they embraced. “Take care Des,” he smiled and waved then walked across to where the military escort was waiting for him.

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