59 - Syrian Rescue

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Day 12: Syrian Desert, late Afternoon.

“I think ladies and gents,” Dozer began with a hint of excitement in his voice. “We have here our first concrete evidence for Incarna!” He handed the ePad to Odie who pulled out a microdrive from one of her utility pockets and slipped it in and copied the file to it.

“Everyone, pass me a drive and you all get copies. You were all witnesses, you’ve now all seen what’s on here and what ever happens this info must get back to Canberra.” Dozer looked at her and then nodded, it was another example of Lt Odette Reed looking after her crew and ensuring collective security.

When Oddball had finished wioth all the crew members present from both vehicles, she handed the ePad back to Emma. “Make sure everyone else gets the file as well.” She turned to Dozer, “if I may sir,” she asked formally. “Carry on Leutenant!”

Oddball turned and addressed every one present. “Everyone is responsible for this file. When the ePad is taken for analysis, anything could happen. I trust that every one here will ensure that what is in that video is what will be acted upon by our people.” She looked around and everyone was nodding. “I reckon this is too important for some idiot to doctor and distribute false information. Get this to Sparkes or Captain Jim if anything appears to be going awry!”

DJs was sitting up looking at her, “you’re not seriously suggesting that …” “I’m not suggesting anything …”

“… and I’m not condoning anything other than the safe guarding of vital information under combat conditions! Understood.” “Sir.” “Yes sir!” 

“Righto then! Also understand that if any of this ends up on some commercial broadcaster, I will personally ensure that the rest of your lives are especially difficult …” Odies crew looked aghast at him but those of Hot Rod just chuckled at his usual threat of death.

“Righto Spock, hows the taxi for these folks?” 

“The Angel is up again but no sign of the Guest Drone at all, even the tracker seems to have been fried. Angels started a search. No Chinooks available but the Luftwaffe has mobilised a UN Mil 26, should be here in an hour or so!”

Dozer nodded “Roger that,” and Odie frowned, checked her watch then surveyed the landscape with her commanders eye. “Probably get here just before dusk, which means you boys will overnight here!”

Dozie scanned their position, “not a bad spot for a barbie I suppose! The surfs definitely flat today but hey sand between the toes, not a tourist within cooee and I’m sure Spock will relay Triple J through to us for some evening entertainment!”

Odie smirked, “well lets see if we can find the Guest drone before we have to leave the party early!”

Dozer switched his commlink on. “Beach to Landscape, probably need a couple of six packs and a few kilos of prawns for the barbie. No tourists on the beach, so we’ll set up for the nocturnal fauna survey!” there was a buzz of faint static and Dozer had the strange image of his words trying to fit into a plastic tube attached to the end of a tin can phone held in childs hand.

“Landscape here read you 7-10. No probs Beach, will send extra beach matts with the Shark Patrol Chopper and some National Parks Rangers to help with the survey work, oh and I’ll let Triple J know your up working and I’m sure they’ll do a special program for you!”

“Yeah onya Landscape! Beach out!”

Odie was organising her crew to remove their essentials from the inside Mad Max so Dozer nodded to DJs and headed back to Hot Rod. Climbed through rear hatch and up into his commanders seat. “I’ve got her now Red!” “Yes sir,” Red responded perfunctorily.”Go stretch your legs and give Oddball a hand if they need it, “Yes Sir,” he said with more enthusiasm.

“Any sign of the Guests?” he asked Spock who was completely focussed on the screen. “Not yet. I’ve got the Mil coming in from the south east and I’ve overlaid the last known track on the screen and running some predictions now, but the wind shear was horrendous. I’d reckon it was shredded Boss!”

“Sparkes won’t be happy with that then …” “Nor Barden Sir, she’d ‘ave been a few millions worth that bitch!”

Dozer laughed out loud as some of the stress of the day had a chance to be released. “Well at least he was along for the ride when she went down, but ‘ol Cap’n Jim bin plenty deadly pissed at not watching all the spectacle!”

“Spock looked up from his screen and shook his head at Dozer, “you’re a sick bastard Dozie, you really are!”

An alarm sounded from his screen, “the Mils here Leutenant,” he said to Odie. He slid off his headset and clambered out through the back to watch the great white bird descend on them. Great clouds of sand and dust were sent every where as the huge russian heavy lift chopper settled itself where they could winch the wreck of Mad Max aboard.

They waited for the dust to settle and watched as a detachment of german army commandos or Pioneers as they called them spread out in a cordon. The retrieval team came towards the wreck of Max and just stood there with disbelief all over their faces.

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