33 - Episode 10 Destabilising the Status Quo

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George Deitmann stared at the display screens of his control room. Every single one showed a scene of destruction or death, or both. He fixed his gaze on the scene of the would be execution of the Saudi woman.

She stood in her white death robes spattered with the blood of her executioners and her hands held in front of her face as she prayed. The rent bodies of her would be killer and her guards lay about her feet, while everyone else in the court yard was on their knees.

George adjusted his headset and switched to the sound of that video feed. He could hear the women’s voice reciting something. He could hear the wind as the dust storm moved away from the area and there was an occasional hushed "Allah aqbah" from the kneeling crowd. 

George brought his left hand to his top lip and tapped it with the first three fingers. He stared intently,  and then finally the penny dropped and he realised the sheer power of what he was seeing. The whole might of the Saudi Empire had been laid low in one fell swoop.

A woman - drenched in blood, not her own, not menstrual blood, not the blood of childbirth, not the blood of rape, but the blood of seemingly divine retribution - stood in prayer and everyone else in the city square who had assembled to observe the beheading of an adulterer, a sinner; now kneeled in humility and probably soul wrenching fear!

George smiled at the power that was on display here. He looked around and found Sloan, “anyone translate this?” and he pointed at the screen. Sloan turned to a nearby operator and they changed some settings and George had an accented voice in his ear piece translating and interpreting what was happening.

“Second Officer Yasmeen Khaled,” Sloan added and George nodded.

He listened to Yasmeen translating even the occasional God is Great, then she commented, “The woman is now repeating her prayer. If I may sir?” and George looked over to her and nodded and she gave a small soft smile at his recognition. 

“Some one in her postion would normally be reciting Yaseen or Sura 36 of the Quran, but she isn't sir. According to the information we now have on her she was independent, wealthy, and led prayers and study groups for women. The adultery charge was false but ruled proven by the judge.”

“So they wanted her out of the way?” added George. “It appears so sir!” George quickly glanced at the other screens and saw the various interweb images of women kneeling amid the dust of the Korean wall.

He shook his head, no George old son, and he rubbed his top lip again, that is a distraction, we’ve just witnessed the toppling of the Saudi elite from their golden idolatrous thrones!

Whoohoo, whoever you are, you are one smart bunch of bastards!

He realised that Yasmeen was speaking again. “What she is reciting sir,  is Al Infitar, Sura 82, and she is repeating over and over the last two ayat.

18. "What a day; the Day of Judgement.

19. That is the day when no soul can help another soul, and all decisions, on that day, will belong to God."

 “You clever, clever bastards,” he said out loud and Sloan turned to him, “Sir?”

“Look at it Sloanie! Look at what they have done there! In one short, sweet, blood drenched action, they; whoever they are that are doing this, have destroyed the power of the Saudi Royal family," he paused so she could catch up.

"The power that bribes every country on the planet and gets away with murdering it’s own citizens in this horrendous way nearly every day, has been laid low! Laid very, very, low!” He took an extra long slow breath, "and they know it Sloan, by Christ, Buddha and Mohammed, they fuckin well know it! Just look at 'em!"

Sloan turned and waved Aubrey over. He pushed his way through the bustling operators and secretaries and stood close next to George. He took in what was being said and turned and smiled as he realised the implications of George's commentary!

Obama may have got Bin Laden and settled that score over 9-11, but here and now they had witnessed the settling of the score over where the money had come from for Bin Laden’s twisted fantasies.

Aubrey licked his lips, there would be some very happy people back in Washington once this was understood and he reached for his phone. He saw that George was already on his. This information was pure gold and they would recast the who's who of the world over the next few minutes.

Russia was now an empty powerless husk even if it could blow the world to pieces. China was a tantrum throwing teenager, and Europe was a retirement village with servants and serfs. America, well, thought Aub, America was, a Saudi puppet state, but not any more!

Aub began to key in the number for the one person he wanted to get the ball rolling for this very civilised revolution he and George were about to start but George reached across and held Aubs hand so he couldn’t use his phone. Aub looked up and George nodded to the screens.

“Sound up please,” George said. Suddenly the room was filled with one sound in many accents, coming from every window that George had asked brought up on the wall screen.

“Ihn qar nah!”

“Inn Karh nha.”


Over, and over, and over.

Fuck it,” swore George under his breath, “you clever, clever, bastards!

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