{Chapter 13}: A Partner In Crime

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[A/N] : I just wanna great everyone on le LGBT+ community a HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


Third POV

Curtains were drawn, paraphernalia necessary for a teenager were sprawled against the floor some had damages more than the other.

A figure of a 14-year-old girl was in a fetal position, her head buried in her arms, as she rocks herself to and fro in attempts to calm the sobs of her pain driven heart.

"I'm sorry" She mumbled.

Her cream coloured sling bag barely hanging on the study it was originally placed in, A lilac box barely sat on the edges of the dark wooded table, threatening to fall.

'Stop it...' She thought, unable to shake off the darkness that continues to penetrate her head.

Heaps of darkening cumulonimbus clouds occupied the usually clear sky, soft rumbling can be heard as droplets of water threaten to fall.

Y/n's H/c Coloured locks were greasy and frazzled, It had only been a day since she got back from the hospital, a day since she had seen the very man she loathed for giving her now-deceased mother a hard life, and a day of constant attempts to calm her caliginous-filled head. This meant that she hadn't had the chance to eat, sleep, or had any human interaction whatsoever.

For someone who had just experienced something depressing, and was still currently recovering... This wasn't healthy at all. But then again, Neither was it healthy to not take care of oneself even if they weren't traumatized Nor was it good for her to stay alone in these circumstances.

Where was Esmund?

Thunder suddenly hollered, Making the girl flinch at the abrupt sound. She felt as gloomy as how the outside currently looked, if not more.

She needed someone with her, to distract her, Even if it was her poor excuse of a father.

'You're useless' A voice echoed in her already boggled up thoughts. 'you didn't even try to save her...'

Her bloodshot eyes were wide, feeling both irritated but defeated, She felt like crying a dam, yet there were no tears to shed.

"Stop" She whispered once more, unable to keep her dried and crusty lips from trembling, dehydration making her headache.

'Worthless' The voice proceeded with its torturous words 'you knew something was wrong, and yet...'

It had a point...

She was aware, her instincts were trying to alert her, but she didn't listen.

"I didn't want it...'" she muttered, her teeth grinding with irritation, 'I didn't want it to happen' her hand reaching her neck before clawing her skin, her long unkept nails scratched the oddly shaped mark on her collar in attempts to take her mind off the mental and emotional agony.

'She was only trying to live...' her conscience spoke with venom (as she imagined), it was tearing her apart, all she could do was writhe in pain, wishing for it to stop. 'And yet you came...'

'you ruined her life... you're useless'

Hearing those words repeat in her head over and over every minute, every second and every hour... She was getting tired.

"I didn't... D-did I?" Her beliefs began to gradually falter, her head was beginning to spin, she didn't want to believe that it was her fault because she knew deep down that it really wasn't, her Mother's fate wasn't in her hands, to begin with.

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