{Chapter 1}:[part 2]: The first Encounter

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Key terms:
(Y/n) ~ your name
(f/c) ~ favourite colour

(The Key terms will be updated as we go along the story)


(y/n) stared at her reflection, Unknown to her that a certain Blank entity was stalking her...


.Third Person View.

(y/n) cupped her hands splashing water on her face before wiping it dry with her handkerchief, (Irene insisted that she carry one with her at all times, and she was glad she listened). She then yawned as she stood, She longed to lay on her soft bed, and surround herself with plushies and Stuffed bears that Irene bought for her (without the knowledge of Edmund of course) as she sleeps, but this wasn't deemed possible for she was lost in the dark woods.

Turning from the lake, she rubbed her eyes as she started to wander while her tired gaze skimmed the area. There wasn't much to see except different variations of trees, and a few bushes sticking out here and there. It was almost impossible to see through with how dark and misty the environment she was currently in.

Not far in the distance however, she could make out a tall and slender figure, Half of its body was hidden from a tree as If it was hiding from her view.

Out of curiosity, and somehow, interest, She cautiously walked towards the said entity, almost as if she was entranced by its odd and sudden appearance.

As she walked closer, she could hear a small ringing sound echoing in the back of her head, it made her a bit dizzy. Despite this, however, She proceeded to step closer to the being, and at that point, she could finally make out its features clearly.

It was a very tall man, with long arms and legs, it wore a black business suit and a dull red tie.

It was Faceless...

(Y/n)'s tired eyes stared at the being.
'He looks like daddy when he goes to work.', She thought, before smiling as the ringing sound began to cease.

'Hello Mister, may I know your name please?' She said politely. Irene always told her to speak politely whenever she encountered someone new (of course, she did warn her daughter about talking to strangers, but (y/n) wasn't almost in her right mind at the moment, as she was exhausted) It was as she says 'The proper etiquette a lady should know'.

'I am called by many names my child...' the being 'said' as its blank face seemed to stare directly at the little girl.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened as she heard a deep voice echoing in her head, It was a bit frightening at how foreign it was to her, however, it quickly turned into amazement when she realize that it was in fact from the entity itself. "Y-you're a Telepath..?"

The faceless entity chuckled as it saw the twinkling eyes of the little girl.

'You really are smart Little (Y/n).'
its deep voice echoed through her head.

'H-how did you know my name..??' The twinkle in her eyes never ceased as she asked this.

' I've known you for a very long time now (y/n), ever since you were born,  I've watched you as you grew.' it said, 'looking' straight into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes.

'S-so..you're my uh...Fairy Godmother...?... or is it, Faceless Godfather?.' She asked her self, looking up in wonder, biting her nail unconsciously. (She often does this when she thinks about random things).

with her questions unanswered, she shook her head quickly brushing off the idea.

'So..uh you said you're called by many names...so...can I err call you Slenderman or uh Slenderwoman??.' She asked the faceless entity. (She didn't want to assume his gender without confirming it, after all, it might be a woman just with a suit and a deep telepathic 'voice').

The said entity yet again chuckled
. 'Slenderman would be Fine dear.'

To (y/n), there was something familiar with the faceless creature, it was very faint, but she could recall looking at him on a different scenario.

she shook her head, erasing the ridiculous thought and giggled, before following a yawn. she sighed after, the feeling of wanting to go home was getting to her again, She frowned looking down.

'Want to go home?' Slenderman asked the frowning (and yawning ) little girl.

(y/n) nodded rubbing her eyes. 'seeing' her tired face, Slenderman began to carry the little girl as her eyes began to close.

Slenderman teleported inside the little girl's bedroom, laying her down on her (f/c) coloured Bed.

'Sleep well little (y/n)'
he 'said' as he touched her collarbone.

As he did so, (y/n) slightly squirmed, softly whimpering as small volt of electricity quickly ran through her.
Satisfied, Slenderman nodded as he teleported back to his woods.

(Y/n) slept peacefully, unknown to the fact that Her collarbone had small a circle with an X Symbol, slightly bleeding as it glowed an (f/c) colour.


End of {Chapter 1}
: The First Encounter:


hope you guys enjoyed!

And have an awesome day/night You beautiful people!

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