{Chapter 6} New Neighbors

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Key terms:
(y/n) ~ your name
(N/n) ~ nickname
(h/c) ~ hair colour
(F/c) ~ Favorite colour

(Key terms will be updated as we go along the story)


.Third Person View.

Years passed, time changed.
the 14 year old (y/n) sat on a small couch at their front porch. her hair slightly swayed, as the warm breeze of a summer afternoon blew,
she flips the seventh page of the second book she read that day, getting into the story more.

A distance farther from her house, stopped a large cargo truck, followed by a Red Family SUV. A bearded, black haired man, got out from the driver's seat, and walked towards a house's front door, the same house that has been empty ever since (y/n) and and her family moved into town.

(y/n) continued to read her book, not even paying a single attention to her surroundings, thus, startling herself when a little brown haired boy came for a friendly visit.

"(Y/N)!! Can we play? pleeeeeaaaaaassee??!?" the said boy whispered. hearing his squeaky voice, (y/n) gasps in surprise, realising it was just the little boy.

"B-Billy! you- you scared me!" She said, placing her hand on her chest exhaling.

"I'm sorry (N/n).." he pouted, making the (h/c) haired panic.

"N-nononono!, please d-don't be sad-"
Her anxiety ran through her as she quickly tried to calm the boy down, yet later on, gets cut off by a giggle.

"heehee~ Oh (N/n) you worry too much!" Billy giggled, as (y/n) calmed down from her mild panic attack by Breathing in and out.

In the middle of trying to calm down, Billy's little voice whispered, with a worried expression.

"How's your Eyes..?" he asked.

"Oh it's alright, don't fret okay?" she replied to which billy only nodded glancing at her black eye for the last time, before looking away.

Almost everyday since they met last year's summer, when Billy visits (y/n), he would see small bandaged cuts or bruises, either on her arms, legs or occasionally on her face, he would always ask if she was okay, and she would always tell him not to worry.

Being a curious lad however, every fresh cuts and bruises he sees on her, he would always question her on how she got them and (y/n) would answer with getting it from an accident, like falling down the stairs, or  from whenever she practice her combat skills (She started this a year ago, Irene insisted on doing this, without the knowledge of Esmund) Because of this billy would admire her, and believe in her white lies.

however, the truth behind it, was a bit more tragic than just a simple misfortune.

A year after (y/n) settled in, Esmund started to get more violent whenever he 'tortured' Irene. it got to the point where she couldn't even move without feeling an immense pain for weeks, forcing the 11 year old to make her everyday meals, and take care of her mother whenever she had time.

Then one day, a drunk Esmund had just finished beating up his wife, yet he still wasn't satisfied with what he did, and so he called his only  'daughter', (y/n) however, obeyed her mother's orders to stay in her room in the attic and lock the trapdoor whatever happens. He called and called for her name, each time making him more irritated, and when he reached his limits, he stomped upstairs, stopping just outside the attic and bangs his fist on the trap door. with his strength, he was able to burst the said door open, enabling him to drag the (h/c) haired  into their basement, thus starting a long hour of torture.

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