{Chapter 2}:[part 1]: Unusual friends

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Key terms:
(Y/n) ~ your name
(h/c) ~ hair color
(e/c) ~ eye color
(f/c) ~ favourite colour

(The Key terms will be updated as we go along the story)


.Third Person View.

Weeks after the little (y/n) met The Slenderman, her memories about him suddenly faded. She couldn't remember what happened and how she got her odd shaped wound.

after seeing the said injury, Irene wouldn't let (y/n) go out into the forest alone, Afraid of her daughter's wellbeing. Knowing this, the little girl was devastated, The forest was the only place she could go to do some thinking, to stay away from her father and to keep herself sane while her parents fought.

Hugging her knees, she stared blankly at the wall in front of her, bored. she wanted to run into the forest, listening to the birds chirping, breathing in the fresh air.

The children's laughter interrupted (y/n)'s thoughts, looking at the direction where the loud giggles came from, she stood up walking towards her window, a faded dark red colored curtain covering it. Peeking through the dull colored curtains, where she sees children her age playing, running around, having fun under the afternoon sun at a nearby playground.

(Y/n) sighed, frowning, as she observed the bright smiles of the kids as if the word 'problems' doesn't exist.

Oh how she Envied their freedom.

Blinking, she looked towards the other direction, her eyebrows raised as she spotting a rather strange being, (squinting in the process as so she could make clear of what was in the distance) she could see something quite tall in the distance, it looked truly familiar.

The faceless entity was 'staring' at (y/n)'s bedroom window from the distance, after their encounter, he watches over her closely than before.

Even from afar, he 'saw' the little girl, peaking behind her curtain, sadness and envy evident in her eyes.

He wanted to do something to make the little girl snap, and finally join him and his comrades, yet he couldn't bring himself to do so.

As he watched the said little girl, an 8 years old Spirit suddenly appeared behind him, hugging her teddy bear.

she smiled, greeting the Faceless entity with her sweet voice.

"Hello Mr. Slendyman."

She was looking at the figure intently with knitted eyebrows.
A couple of minutes went by, and finally, she rubbed her eyes, thinking she was seeing things, her thoughts were confirmed when the said 'Thing' suddenly disappeared, Shaking her head she walked away from the window to her bed, laying down, now staring at the grey colored ceiling.

"i wish..i had friends to play with." she mumbled, sighing as she did so, closing her eyes letting her mind wander.

before diving deep into her thoughts, however, a little girl her age suddenly appeared, sitting on (y/n)'s study table.

unknown to (y/n) herself, the Little girl looked around the room she smiled, recognizing the place as her old bedroom, then frowning, as she remembered the horrible things her Her... Uncle, did in the past, shaking her bloodied head, she smiled, obeying what the 'Slendyman' asked her to do.

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