{Chapter 2}:[part 2]: Unusual friends

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Key terms:
(Y/n) ~ your name
(h/c) ~ hair color
(e/c) ~ eye color
(f/c) ~ favourite colour

(The Key terms will be updated as we go along the story)


(y/n) closed her bedroom door as she walked through the hallways, down the stairs towards their dining room to eat with her parents...

"Let's go Charlie!, we have so much to tell Mr. Slendyman about (y/n)!" The little Brunette hugged her teddy bear and disappeared...


.Third person view.

(Y/n) slowly descends down the stairs, clutching the handrail, fearing she would fall down again like what happend a week ago.

After that incident, she developed a mild bathmophobia {fear of stairs or steep slopes}, she couldn't walk down any stairs without clutching its handrail, or without having anxiety that increases especially when her father was around.

The little girl sighed in relief as she finally took one last step down, She traced her fingers on her patched up wound on her collarbone (Courtesy of Irene herself), she was glad yet confused when she didn't feel any stinging pain, she was told that it would heal atleast 3 weeks, seeing as it is deep enough to still feel pain even after a week of recovery.

'Maybe it has already healed... but, that's impossible, an average wound would have atleast 2 weeks or so before the pain will cease...yet alone healing it completely...' She thought.

For a few minutes, she stood there, her mind racing, only then she broke out of her thoughts when her Mother showed up from the kitchen doorframe leading to their dining area.

"Sweetie, come on, your father's waiting." Irene smiled softly. at the mention of Esmund, (y/n)'s face scowled, she didn't really thought of the Man as her father, knowing his abusive, violent and horny alcoholic self.

She could never forget those times when he would come home late, drunk, with two horny sluts, giggling, while her poor mother, could only stand on the side, watching her husband with pain filled tears falling down her cheeks, (Esmund maybe a bad person, but Irene could never bring herself to leave him) her husband didn't really care, he was having to much fun with his mistresses to care. Instead, He orders her around like a slave, and she would obey knowing what her husband was capable of when people ignore his orders. There were times when he'd have 'threesomes' with the Sluts he always bring, on their living room while Irene was forced to watch, only for her to clean up their mess, as they wake up in the morning with the three of them naked, having no idea what happened that night. What's even worse was that Irene did not know that her own daughter had seen every vulgar things he had done.

(y/n) wasn't even supposed to be awake at those times since it was way past her curfew, but she always had a hard time sleeping due to her reoccurring nightmares that she couldn't even understand. It was the main reason why she thinks mostly like an adult.

(y/n) walked with her beloved mother towards their dining room, she sat down her plate was already full of {INSERT FOOD HERE!! i can't think of a delish food  he.he}.

Besides the soft clink of their utensils, silence filled the room as the three ate their food quietly, (y/n) was tensed as she slowly chewed her meal, Everytime she was near Esmund, always made her feel uneasy, Both her and Irene knew they need to be careful in order to prevent Pain, She wanted to avoid speaking to him as much as possible. 

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