A Semi Battle and A disaster

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Normal POV:

Ash and Luna wake up... again to the sound of Max and Bonnie making out.

Ash says, "Good morning Lunes, Good Morning Bonnie and Max."

Bonnie and Max jump up from making out. Bonnie says, "G-good morning I didn't realize that you guys were up!"

Ash says, "Nah it's fine, besides we all have a match. It'll be Bonnie and Max vs Calem and Serena. And then Me and Lunes vs Brock and trip"

Bonnie says, "They should be easy for you guys, but about us we are probably going to lose (Heads up Bonnie you're foreshadowing)"

Ash says, "Don't worry you both have the strategies down don't you?"

Max says, "Yeah, but they're Kalos queen and Champion for goodness sake!"

Ash says, "You will give them trouble, but i'm not sure if you guys will win, but if you don't me and Luna will mess them up!"

Bonnie says, "Thanks Ash, You are like a real big brother to both of us!"

Ash says, "I've always been one."

Bonnie says, "To who?"

Ash says, "To my brother Red who lives on Mt. Silver and won't come down until a worthy opponent battles him. Which I am hoping is me"

Luna says, "And if it is then I am coming with you no matter what!"

Ash says, "Ok but if we do be careful up there it's cold!"

Luna says, "We have survived worse!"

Ash says, "Oh like we have trained on Mt. Silver before. Anyway let's get to the stadium!"

Luna says, "Alright Ashy!"

At the Battlefield:

As Trip walks into the field he trips. Ash mocks, "How does it feel to be named trip huh?" (HAD TO)

Trip says, "Ash you will never win!"

Ash says, "Oh we'll see!"

Ash yells, "Let's go Serperior!"

Trip yells, "Conkeldurr you're up!"

Brock yells, "Golem it's time to rock!"

Luna yells, "Alright Aerodactyl come out!"

Ash yells, "Alright Serperior use Dig!"

Trip says, "use earthquake!"

Ash says, "Use Leaf storm to change the field!"

Brock yells, "Use Magnitude!"

Luna yells, "Use Rock tomb to stop it!"

Ash commands, "Alright Serperior let's use Dragon Tail!" which faints Conkeldurr

Luna commands, "Use Aerial Ace!"

Brock says, "Rock tomb!" but Golem faints

Ash says, "Return Serperior. Infernape I choose you!"

Luna says, "Good job Aerodactyl. Now Go Empoleon!"

Brock says, "Alright Onix Let's get our revenge!"

Trip says, "Unfezant the field is all yours"

Ash says, "Start things off with Flare blitz on Onix!"

Brock says, "Wrap on Infernape!"

Ash says, "Keep jumping to dodge!"

Luna says, "Alright Empoleon use Steel wing on unfezant!"

Ash says, "Use Flamethrower!"

Brock says, "Alright Onix let's use rock tomb!"

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