The Minor Third round!

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Normal POV:

Ash wakes up early as usual and makes breakfast for the 2 of them. He goes to wake Luna up and says, "Lunes breakfast is ready. Wake up today is the 3rd round!" As Luna comes down he smiles at her as usual and the 2 have a very peaceful breakfast with no interruptions from the traitors. Due to the fact that they were in Almia. Once they were done, Ash teleports them to the Kalos region again. (THEY WORE CLOTHES DON'T WORRY!)

Ash sasy, "Alright looking at the matchups we are against..." as he widens his eyes and says, "My mother and Oak!?"

Luna says, "But we will destroy them."

Ash says, "Yea we will and remember use the legendaries and Mythicals at the end."

Luna replies, "I know I know."

Ash says, "Alright let's get to the stadium."

At the stadium:

The Announce says, "And we have a battle between Delia and Professor Oak vs Red and Leaf!"

The referee says, "Please send out your pokemon"

Ash yells, "Glaceon Your Turn!"

Luna yells, "Let's go Leafeon!"

Delia yells, "Go Mimey!"

Oak yells, "Dragonite you're up"

Ash commanded, "Glaceon use Ice beam on Dragonite!"

Oak uttered, "Use Hyper beam!"

Ash commanded again, "Hold the Ice beam in and then release it when the beam gets close"

Glaceon did as told and the hyper beam got pushed back and instantly fainted Dragonite. Everyone looked shocked.

Luna commanded, "Energy ball and eat it"

The crowd was confused at this command, but when it raised the stats everyone realized.

Luna then commanded, "Use Grass whistle on Mr Mime!"

Mr Mime fell asleep and it didn't wake up.

Oak yelled, "Let's go Gyarados!"

Ash and Luna smirked and yelled at the same time, "Use Magical leaf, Use Ice Shard on Gyarados!"

Gyarados then fainted.

Oak yells, "Time for burning Charizard!"

Luna and Ash communicate through minds at their pokemon saying, "Use Psychic!" which fainted Mimey.

Delia yelled, "Go Eevee!"

Ash said, "Wrap this up use High Jump kick!" which fainted Eevee instantly as well

Delia yells, "Sylveon I choose you!"

Ash uttered to himself, "using my catchphrase much."

Ash and Luna then withdrew Leafeon and Glaceon.

Ash and Luna both yelled, "Let's go Duo of the trio!" as Articuno and Moltres appeared.

Everyone in stadium looked shocked as well as Mr Goodshow who was thinking of a way to steal them from them. The announcer yelled, "OH MY ARCEUS THESE 2 HAVE YET AGAIN SENT OUT 2 LEGENDARY POKEMON!"


Oak and Delia both yelled, "USE FAIRY WIND AND HYDRO PUMP!"

The two normal moves couldn't combat the legendary moves as the legendaries quickly overpowered and instantly fainted Sylveon and Gyarados. everyone in the stadium was in shock of the two trainers. Goodshow meanwhile was thinking of a way to steal them for the traitors. However, he didn't know that behind the hood and mask was the chosen one also known as Ash and the legendaries wouldn't leave his side

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