Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids

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Well, here is the final chapter. It's been wonderful journey and I'm bittersweet about it. But I had fun with it!

Chapter 24: Nickolos, Prince of Hybrids,

As the years passed by, the Volturi became world renowned for their benevolent presence in the vampire community.

Aro happy in his new marriage, was surrounded by love and was a changed vampire for the better. His guards were no longer his lowly servants, they were his friends. He worked side by side with him to bring justice and peace to their kind. There was still uprisings of newborn vampires and lawbreakers to deal with, and so they were busy keeping order as usual. Aro and the guard had to travel to the West and deal with newborns created without care. The law of watching after a newborn was severely enforced by the Volturi and this was one of the many reasons why. Newborn vampires pose a great threat if not properly looked after and after their destruction, Aro searched the world for their creator and delivered swift judgment on the careless vampire.

Bella traveled often with him because she wanted to provide protection for her husband and coven. She was completely dedicated to him and supported Aro in everything to help with their work. She was greatly respected among the covens and feared by the lawbreakers. She made all her family that stood with her in battle indestructible and completely protected. The lawbreakers were just as frightened of her ability as Jane's and Alex's ability, so they quickly submitted to the covenant when they saw her fearsome power.

The coven was more loyal than ever and worked hard to make Aro's vision for the future a reality. Demetri, Felix, and Heidi where in no short supply of food as they captured the criminals about the continent for their weekly feast. Italy became the safest country around, with the crime rate at an all-time low.

Caius love to persecute and destroy the foolish vampires are dared to invoke his wrath as usual but at the same time, he was a loving uncle, which made him more pleasant to be around. Instead of angry, sneering, shouting vampire he was before Nikki came into his life, he was fun and sometimes witty. He was truly a pushover for his nephew that stole his heart and took the opportunity to steal him away from time to time. He enjoyed taking Nikki out and entertaining him by going to parks, fairs, museums and showing him the sites all over the world. His wife was extremely pleased that he showed such love for his family like never before and even was caught smiling on occasion. Caius only showed his softer side to the Volturi because he didn't want the vampire community to know that he could be a good guy if he chose. He had a reputation to uphold, after all.

Demetri and Felix found love among the humans and after a successful bonding, they made them their mates. Marcus was so altered now, that if you didn't know him today, you would not recognize him because he was so different from his former self. Bella's presence in his life brought him happiness and slowly healed his poor broken heart. He fell in love again and it completely changed him. After the wedding he wanted the happiness that he saw in Bella's and Aro's marriage, so he shook himself out of depression after he said his peace to his Didyme. As Marcus came out of his depression and came a new man, he opened himself up to love at last. His secretary Gianna caught his eye and they courted for months. He took her out, romanced her and as it turned out they were made for each other. Marcus even went as far as to change his appearance. Gianna suggested a makeover and when his family saw him as he returned from the mall, He look decades younger. She had picked out designer casual jeans and shirts and sneakers. He had on a leather jacket and got his hair cut short. He even got an earring that made him look quite sexy and youthful. The time came and Marcus changed his Gianna then married her. Now there were three Queens once again that ruled by the Kings side.

Nikolos, Present time ...

As the years went by, about seven years down the road, Nikki grew into a handsome young man. He stood in his bathroom looking in the mirror, giving himself a look over for the last time. He turned his head slightly as the sound of soft footsteps that approached his room came to his ears. He smiled as the door opened and in came the sweet scent of lilac filling his room and the comforting smell, he knew so well boosted his nerve.

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