Chapter Ten: The Letter and Hanging With the Guard

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Again, thank you all for your support and the wonderful reviews. It means so much to me.

Chapter Ten: The Note and Hanging with the Guard,

As Bella sat at her desk in Aro's study, she wrote in her diary. She wanted to record her experience and have it to recall later.

Dear Diary,

July is just flying by. It's been almost three weeks since the switch. I've spent a lot of my time with Aro and Marcus, they are so good to me. I know it's strange, but I feel as though I belong somewhere for the very first time. Marcus is so much like a father to me and always gives me great advice. He seems to have changed and is not so down as before when we first met. I asked him about it once he says that my being her gives him some comfort. He said our bond is a strong one. I think I keep him on his toes though, because of my innate ability for trouble. Once Caius almost caught Aro and I in our many exchanges in conversation, almost picking up on our strange behavior. We were discussing how awkward it was for Aro to be flirted with both Felix and Demetri.

I joked, "At least you can't read their minds anymore, because it would make you blush more than you already are."

As we laughed together, Caius came into the garden and heard us. We were sitting under the trees laying on the grass together as he approached us. Caius glared at Aro. Aro didn't miss a beat and gave him one of his million-dollar smiles.

"Can we help you Caius?" Aro asked sweetly.

Caius sneered at him and gave an odd look to the both of us. Marcus saved the day by calling Caius away. He flitted out in annoyance, leaving us both uncertain.

Aro and I send a lot of time together lately, especially in the evening. Mainly because we needed to keep our secret safe and I'm too busy to be near him in the day because I'm dealing with the matters of the coven. It seems to me he does not want to be alone. Every night, as the fire burns low he stays later and later. He even falls asleep in my lap on the couch as we sat by the fire. I looked down at him affectionately, as he snored softly while I read by book, Jane Eyre. The more this man needs me the more I like it. I want to be needed by him. I just love running my fingers through his hair, enjoying him snuggle into me even more. I feel the urge to keep him close and safe at all cost. As for my feelings for him, I think they are growing, into what I am not sure. It feels like a lifetime ago Edward was my whole heart. Things are changing, am I really ready for that? The letter from home makes my heart ache for the ones I miss.

It read:

My dearest Bella,

Words can not express my regret for leaving you in the hands of the Volturi. Please understand, I had no choice. The family misses you and hope you are well and happy. Alice is confused because she cannot see your future correctly. Something is mixing her up. Sometimes she sees you sometimes she sees Aro. But it's a jumble nothing makes sense. Maybe you have been changed I don't know. If this letter finds you so, I wish you happiness with your new coven. Jacob comes around asking about you and I only tell him what you have written to your father. That you are studying abroad in Italy and I don't know when you are coming back. Though, it did bother me that you told your dad that you are going there because of our breakup. It was believable though and he seemed to accept your decision. Charlie wants to write you so include an address for him in you next letter. I'm sorry I broke your heart, but it was for you own good. It will keep you safe from me. Now, I failed you because you are in the hands of the very monsters, I tried to protect you from. Maybe we will meet again someday but it will kill me. Especially if they turn into one of them and have you drinking human blood. I just could not accept it. I hope this letter still finds you the old Bella that I fell in love with. If not, please forgive me. We all miss you. Love from all of us.

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