Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury

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Chapter Eighteen: Hell Has No Fury:

The following day, Carlisle ordered Aro to complete bed rest until the time of the planed c-section. Carlisle and Esme took a trip to the local food bank because Aro was low on blood supply and bid them farewell and would be back later that night.

Regarding Aro, it was now impossible for him to get up by himself, so he needed assistance from everyone. Bella carried him everywhere now because he simply did not have the strength to do anything else including walking. Carrying the hybrid took a serious toll on his body and it weakened him greatly. Though they discovered his food aversion early, the baby grew too fast for his body to handle and as a result he looked thin and ill.

His coven was wonderful because they spent time with him while Bella was in the throne room with her daily duties as master vampire. Felix and Demetri reported to Bella that they couldn't find any trace of Victoria in the country and Bella advised them to keep up the search. This news was discouraging to Bella, where could she have gone? She new that Victoria would not give up until one or the other was dead. It's been weeks since her last sighting and Bella had a feeling, she was biding her time.

In Aro's Room...

Heidi and Alice sat on the sofa by the fire together analyzing the ultrasound picture. They were arguing over the sex of the baby.

"I don't know what you are seeing Alice, the picture is so hard to make out." Heidi said as she squinted at the photo.

Alice giggled and helped Heidi to turn it in the right direction. "You got it upside down silly, it goes this way."

Heidi peered at the image unsure what Alice was referring to. "There, you see the legs there and there's a little something in between, see?"

Heidi finally saw what Alice was trying to show her and jumped up, "Oh my God Bella it's a boy!"

She grabbed Alice by the hand. "You and I are going baby clothes shopping for the baby right away!"

A son! Aro smiled to himself at the thought.

"We'll be right back soon, Bella!" Alice called as she was pulled out of the room by Heidi.


Jane sat next to Aro looking at one of the baby magazines and Aro laid back against the headboard as he watched a scene where Emma almost hits Knightly's dog with an arrow because she could not aim due to the fact that they were urging. Jane looked around her magazine at the screen and watched the part with him, joining in the giggling. Just then, Aro's tummy growled in hunger.

He rubbed it smiling saying, "The baby's hungry again"

Jane got out of the bed and started walking towards the door. "What do you want Bella? A sandwich or how about a nice pasta salad? She asked looking over her shoulder as she reached the doorknob.

Aro sat up straighter. "No Jane, the baby wants chocolate ice cream. Oh, and candy, perhaps gum drops or starburst. Don't forget the blood! I want pickles Jane, to dip into the blood!"

Jane pulled a face of revulsion at the thought of the food combo. "Ewww, Bella, I know you are pregnant but holly crap, really!"

Aro had another idea and said, "Oh and some cake too!"

Jane stopped at the door and put her hands on her hips. "What! All that? It's junk food and not good for you!"

"Don't argue with a pregnant woman!" Aro put up his hand to dismiss her concerns.

Jane shook her head smiling at him as she raised her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay you got it Bells, be back in a jiffy. Don't you move out of that bed while I'm gone."

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