Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby

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Okay, I know in the story they couldn't see the baby, but I thought it would be fun if they could see it with the ultrasound. So, here's the next chapter enjoy.

Chapter Seventeen: Countdown to Baby,

The weeks just flew by and Aro and Bella consumed themselves with the preparations for the birth. As the delivery date was drawing near, the whole castle was on high alert for anything to happen.

Jane, Heidi and Reneta ordered all the baby supplies that the expecting couple would need. When the boxes started to arrive it was Felix, Demetri and Alec's job to put it all together.

"Felix, this part says A and I guess it should fit in slot B. I mean how hard can it be to put together a baby swing?" Alec said distracted as he examined the parts carefully.

The trio turned pieces in their hands trying to see the symbols correctly. The light was a bit dim in the spare room and the darkness made it harder to see.

"Dem, get the lights." Felix said as he went through the hardware.

"Got it." Jane said as she and Heidi dropped by and flipped the switch.

"Oh, what are you two doing here?" Alec said sighing.

Standing in the doorway the girls giggled. "We wanted to see how you three are doing setting this thing up." Said Jane.

"Yeah okay no wise cracks." Felix said irritably.

The girls smiled innocently. "No problem."

"Okay, we got screws and bolts, he paused, "Um, I'm thinking these go into these little holes here."

"Oh man, I'll get the tool kit." Demetri said getting up to get it from the table.

"Okay this is for slot D, oh where is slot C?" Alec pointed out ruffling through the pile.

"Never mind the other part of the alphabet, we got to finish with this side, A is still not in slot B." Demetri said getting impatient.

The girls tried their hardest not to laugh but it bubbled up none the less. Heidi flitted over to the pile and snatched the paper discarded in the trash. She opened it up and cleared her throat.

"It says here that you're to attach A and B with screws and bolts, she paused and added, "don't forget to make it tight, it wouldn't do for the baby to fall out of it."

"Felix got up and walked over to her and examined the instructions. "Oh, there's instructions, Dem, did you know that?"

Demetri shrugged. Alec slapped his forehead. Felix scowled as Heidi waved it in front of his face and giggled.

"Better take these," she said holding back a snicker.

Felix grabbed the papers and walked back to the pile. "Okay, here we go."


Caius and Athenodora were almost done with the baby's room. They were planning its unveiling after the big day. Caius posted a warning sign on the door for the nosy guards that read... Enter At Risk Of Second Death! It was a bit over the top, but that was Caius.


One day, Marcus came in the study where Bella and Aro were looking at a baby name book discussing their favorites and he sat down at his usual place by the fire looking very tired. He's been hard at work researching the birthing process. He now approached the couple with his concerns.

"I've come to you both with a heavy heart tonight, I need to tell you the facts. Beyond the difficulty of mating with a human successfully, the birthing process is most grievous. In the legend, the baby makes it way out by means of its own teeth. This is not a good scenario for Aro. This is a dangerous time and up until now we did all we could do to help you make it through. However, we simply do not have the knowledge to help this baby enter this world for Aro to get though it too. I have completely exhausted my search and I'm now looking to you for suggestions."

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