Chapter 18: Hell Has No Fury

Start from the beginning

Aro huffed. "Very funny, Jane!" I'll just roll myself around since I can't walk anymore."

Jane laughed as she opened the door to go to the kitchen. "Corin, come in and stay with Bella. I'm going to the kitchen to get her some food."

Corin nodded and stepped in and stood by Aro.

In the throne room....

Bell sat on edge in her chair. Her nerves were shot. She just couldn't focus on todays events no matter how hard she tried. She worried about Aro. This birth was going to be dangerous and she will be forced to watch as he suffered in her place. She hated the helpless feeling of dread. Bella kept going over terrible scenarios in her mind. It was driving her mad. If she lost him how was she to go on?

Just then, the double doors opened and in flitted Demetri and Felix. They looked urgent to relay news and dropped the formalities.

Skipping bowing and waiting to be addressed, they shouted out their findings. "Victoria sighted in the city. Just at her boarders, my kings!"

Caius stood up and joined them. "Lead me to the area! I want to kill this bitch myself!"

"Yes Master!" They bowed and flitted off together.

Bella looked at Marcus in alarm. "Do you think they will succeed? Will she be finally caught?"

Marcus nodded reassuringly. "Caius won't give up easily. He will search until the sun rises if need be."

Bella sighed. "I just want this to be over so I can focus on the birth of my child."

Marcus sighed too. "Soon, let's hope."

Meanwhile in Aro's room....

Corin sat next to Aro, watching the end of Emma with him. All was quiet except the small DVD player, playing in front of them. The castle for weeks now has been always bustling with activity and it was so strange to Aro that it was still and lifeless.

"Where is everyone?" Aro and my brothers should be almost finished for the day in the throne room. What could be keeping Jane?" He felt a strange nagging feeling something was not right, as if a voice of warning was whispering into his ear.

"Not to worry it's because many guards are out doing their duties and the Cullen's are gone too. All is well." Corin said soothingly as she used her gift on him to ease his mind and make him more content. He sat back feeling instantly better.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Corin moved off the bed to answer it. "Maybe that's Jane and she can't open the door with all that food."

She reached the door and opened it, looking over her shoulder at Aro nodding. A blur of activity occurred before his eyes so swiftly that he didn't get a chance to react. Corin was taken by surprise as she was grabbed and muzzled by a hand clasping over her mouth. Aro was suddenly lifted in someone's arms and a hand held his mouth to keep him quiet. Aro's eyes widened in fear as he focused on the person's face holding Corin, Sulpicia. Her face twisted in hatred mixed with shock as she subdued Corin. Aro glanced up in horror as he gazed in the smirking face, full of malice, Victoria.

They were both whisked away down the corridor towards the dungeons, deep into the bowels of the castle. Aro wondered how they got in undetected. The castle has been on full alert since the sighting of Victoria. He suddenly felt dread he never experienced before. Not only was his life in danger but the baby's as well. Victoria held him firmly in her iron grip looking not ahead to watch where she was going but into Aro's face, smirking insanely at him as if she were possessed by the devil himself. The woman came to a halt at the end of the corridor. Aro looked at their location in sudden realization. Now he knew how this breach in security was possible. The secret passageway. Sulpicia moved over to the wall and pulled on the only torch not burning. It opened a door that revealed a tunnel.

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