Chapter 17: Countdown To Baby

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At the shock of the news, Aro clung to Bella's side holding his tummy. Something stirred in his heart when he thought of the baby's welfare. This child he was carrying he cared for so much. It was part of him and Bella and was a rare and precious gift. He felt it kick once more and he leaned into Bella for some comfort. His love for his unborn child grew more and more every day. He couldn't wait to hold it. This news was grave indeed, however Aro was not deterred a bit, something had to give.

Bella gently ran her fingers through his hair deep in thought. The way she saw it; this baby was not going to come in this world the natural way, so she searched her mind for a solution. A planed c-section seemed to be a good way to go before this baby tries to work its way out. She reached over and caressed his tummy, gliding over Aro's hand and gave it a squeeze. She looked into his eyes and saw such emotion there that she knew she had to do something. Anxiety crept into her heart, but she was determined, even if she had to take out her own baby, she was fixed on saving them both.

Suddenly an idea dawned on her and she got excited. "What about Carlisle? He has excellent control around blood, Marcus we need to call him!"

Marcus brightened at the suggestion and seemed to gather new energy. He flitted to the phone on the desk and phoned Carlisle and Esme picked up.

"Hello? Cullen's residence." She greeted.

"Esme, this is Marcus. I have a medical emergency concerning Bella, can you please put Carlisle on the line?"

"Yes of course, right away, one moment." Esme put Marcus on hold as she went to get her husband.

"Hello Marcus? What happened to Bella?" Carlisle asked concerned.

"Bella is pregnant with Aro's baby and needs you to come right away to assist with the birth because none of us has the control or knowledge that you do. We need you old friend, she needs you."

"I didn't know this was even possible! Of course, I will be on the next flight out!" Carlisle said as he hung up the phone.


Even though Aro felt some relief that his old friend was coming to the rescue, he felt tired from all the stress and asked to go to his room. Bella carried him out, as she entered their room, she laid him on their king size bed. Bella looked down at him for a moment. He looked worn out from anxiety, but his condition of his body improved a lot since the discovery of the blood.

Moving in to cuddle him, she kissed him tenderly. He dozed off in her arms and Bella was left alone with her thoughts. This baby was everything to them. She wanted her family so desperately. She never dreamed of love like this. The pure love of Aro and the baby had for her was amazing. Tilting her head, she listened to the sound of their heartbeats and laid her head on his tummy. The sound of the baby's movements gripped her heart so much that she sobbed.

"Be strong my little one, we love you and can't wait for you to be in our arms." Bella said to the baby, kissing his tummy and rubbing it gently.


When Aro awoke the next day, Bella was still at his side, stroking his hair. He looked up at her as he struggled to sit up. He huffed in irritation into her hair, blowing the strands across her face. His now fully expanded belly caused him much discomfort.

"I've got to pee really bad! It seems like I'm going three or four times an hour now!" Aro grunted trying his best to move.

Bella lifted her head and chuckled at the sight of Aro trying to roll off the bed, failing miserably. He laid back suddenly, teetering to the left and right, attempting again to roll. Bella had to bite back a snicker as she pictured him looking like a turtle stuck on his back. Bella sat up and gave him a hand.

It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBellaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin