Chapter 16: The Blood and Sulpicia

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Felix just came in and busted out laughing when he heard Bella's comment. He put Aro's lunch next to him. Jane threw her slip-on shoe at Felix and he duck just in time.

"Shut it Felix!" Aro said glaring at the massive guard as Felix put his hands up in surrender, backing away.

"Go ahead and try to eat, baby." Bella said nudging his arm.

Aro huffed and turned to look at the food with trepidation. He picked up a cracker and munched carefully, hoping to keep it down just a little for the baby's sake. Demetri just flitted in with four pillows and placed two behind Aro's back and two under his legs.

"There you go, feeling more comfortable?" Aro nodded in reply. "Whoa there, Bells, your tummy just jiggled!" Demetri said pointing at Aro's belly.

"Watch out Dem, prego hormones!" Felix warned.

Aro looked down in shock as his tummy did indeed jiggle like jelly at the baby's sudden kicks.

Bella laid her hand on his belly and gasped. "Oh my God, Bella the baby just kicked you!"

Jane flitted over to the bed where Heidi stood, shaking her shoulder, squealing like a little girl in glee.

Just then Reneta returned to Bella's side handing her the blood bag. "Thank you, Reneta, that was kind of you."

Reneta bowed and walked over to Jane as she waved her over enthusiastically. Aro just finished the cracker and cheese platter when he leaned over to the trash bin. Everyone raced into action. Bella flitted over, dropping her blood bag on the nightstand table to help Aro finishing retching, holding his hair back. Demetri flitted out to summon Marcus. Felix dashed in the bathroom to get a cold cloth and a towel. Jane retrieved the mouthwash. Reneta knelt and looked to see how Aro and Bella were doing. Heidi screamed and went to get Aro a new shirt because when she saw vomit on the front of his shirt. Bella helped Aro to sit up as he spit out the last of it. Felix came up and handed the towel and cold cloth to Bella.

She started to clean him up as Demetri arrived with a very worried, tired looking Marcus.

"Oh, Bella cara mia, I'm sorry to see you suffer this way." Marcus said as he knelt to look at Aro.

Demetri suddenly sniffed the air. "Um, what's that yummy smell?"

Everyone turned their faces up to him, looking disgusted. Felix punched his arm causing Demetri to stagger to the side.

"Not cool man! Can't you see Bella's in bad shape? It's not tactful times for jokes!" Felix reprimanded him.

Demetri jolted in horror at his meaning. "No, yuck, not that. That!" Demetri pointed at the nightstand table.

The blood bag was leaking a crimson stream, dripping on the floor. Aro sniffed the blood and grabbed it in surprise. Everyone watched in fascination mixed with horror as he sucked on the tube, swallowing the blood in eager gulps. He looked up and smiled sheepishly at all the attention.

"Of course. How can I be so bewildered?" Marcus shook his head pointing at Aro. "The baby is part vampire, therefore requires blood to live!"

Everyone watched as Aro sucked the last of the blood, making slurping sounds as he finished.

Bella stood up excited. "Demetri, get Bella some more."

"Get her a sandwich too and juice!"

Jane bounce over to Aro in exuberance. "Yay Bells, now you won't get sick anymore."

Heidi moved in front of Aro shaking a new shirt. "Yeah, speaking of which, there's still puck on your shirt."

Aro stood up and grabbed the shirt. "Oh! God damn!"

It's A Freaky New Moon AroxBellaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora