Chapter 12: Aro's day out

Start from the beginning

"If you don't mind waiting here a moment, I'll be finished her in a minute or so and I will take you all myself in the limousine." He suggested in his sexy Spanish accent.

The ladies could not hold back their happiness and jumped up and down, clapping in delight.

Aro smiled to himself. At least another guard will be present on this escapade.

Santiago worked at vampire speed and was done in no time. He rolled out from under the car and put his tools away. Then he walked over to the peg board and retrieved the Limo keys. Waving the ladies over, he flitted over to the stretch limo and held the door for them.

"Here you go ladies." He offered.

Everyone giggled but Aro who just gave a small smile when he began sliding down the seats. Santiago pulled Reneta in an embrace and kissed her before she could enter. She placed her hand to his smooth jaw and rubbed him lovingly. He helped her in giving her a lazy sideways grin.

"Thank you, Santiago!" The girls chimed in unison.

He smirked and chuckled at their sweetness. As he opened the car door, climbed in and started it, he reached over and pressed the intercom button.

"Where to ladies?"

Jane pressed the button and said, "the Volterra mall."

The girls sat back and sighed happily. Jane patted Aro's hand and grinned at him.

"We have such a day planned. First, clothes shopping and shoes. Then we are driving through the city to show you some of the sights and buy you lunch. Finally, the beach to swim. I know the sun's not shining anymore but it's muggy and still hot. It will be fun don't you think?"

Aro pulled on his fake smile and nodded. Jane had a good heart when she wasn't being serious and dangerous for the coven. Jane liked to relax and have a good time, just like any other girl.

Heidi leaned forward and turned on the stereo and a rock tune came loudly from the speakers. The girls high fived including Aro which made him feel slightly awkward and rock to the beat.

"Thirsty girls?" Reneta suggested.

"Yeah, set us up," Heidi said.

Reneta opened the little fridge in the bar. She took out the bottle of blood and poured into three glasses. She handed Jane and Heidi theirs and reached in the fridge for a coke., cracked it open and handed it to Aro. Then took her own glass and sat back and sipped her blood. Aro remembered that blood chilled was not so great as fresh but it does the job. His coke was sweet, and the bubbles tickled his nose.

As they cruised to the center of the city, the place was bustling with people going to and from wherever they pleased. The store fronts and main street were glowing with there neon lights. As the approached the mall they were blocked and so they had to park into a side lot.

Santiago opened the door for them, wishing them a good time. He helped the ladies out one by one. Before Reneta could join the girls, he caught her by the arm and gave her a swift kiss earning her a series of awes from the group.

"Call me baby when you girls are finished, I'll be here to pick you up." Santiago said releasing her.

Reneta nodded to him and waved as she joined the girls to walk toward the mall. The streets were crowded, and they maneuvered through the people very swiftly pulling Aro along. It was hard for the human Aro to keep up pace, but Jane helped him get through it all. As they approached the mall the atmosphere changed as the music and talking drifted to their ears. They entered the multiple floored building and Aro was assaulted by many delicious scents coming from various places to eat in the food court. This made his stomach growl and he longed for some cheesy fries.

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