Chapter Eleven: You can't Avoid Mother nature or the feast

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Marcus shook himself out of his stunned silence and moved around the table. Bella was shaking with anger as Aro smirked lustily in her face.

"If you don't stop. I will go drink animal blood, so help me God!" Bella threatened.

Aro's eyes went wide in indignation. "You wouldn't dare! The whole castle will find out because your eyes will turn yellow!"

Marcus moved and gripped Aro's shoulders. "Stop this now, the both of you. It's not helping to get all worked up. I realize it's not easy being in your situation, but this is not going to make it any better."

Bella threw his hands from her body and huffed. She started toward the exit and looked back. Marcus noticed her eyes were black as pitch from emotion.

"I'm going to my room, no one follow me!" Bella called, storming out and slammed the door.

Aro was left staring after her. Marcus moved over to him and turned him around and was surprised to find tears running down his face.

"Aro?" Marcus whispered gently.

Aro wiped the tears impatiently from his eyes. He felt strange today in his new body. He was so quick to get upset. Nothing made sense. Yesterday Jane shared her story about how she almost burned to death at the stake. He teared up remembering and Jane hugged him. She said it was all in the past and it didn't bother her anymore. But Aro knew better. He had been there at the last minute and pulled his most precious children from the flames. Jane was burned and so was Alec. It was imperative that he turn them immediately. He was close to them because he changed them, and they have most impressive gifts. Hell, he practically raised them, and the twins were like his very own kids at the age of 14 when turned. Thinking about made fresh tears come streaming down his cheeks. He just didn't know what was wrong with him. Now Bella was furious at him and somehow it made it so much worse. A sob escaped his mouth and Marcus rubbed his shoulders then pulled him in his embrace to calm him. Marcus rubbed his back and it felt good because it ached badly. Marcus suddenly stiffened as he sniffed the air and pulled Aro back.

"Aro, I hate to tell you this, but you need to go to your room and call for Jane. She will get you what you need." Marcus said nervously.

Aro' wiped away his tears and then looked in his old friend's eyes. They had gone black as well. Marcus backed away from him toward the door.

"You have started your menstruation!"

Immediately Marcus flitted away and headed towards to the throne room. Aro panicked and ran out and headed to his room arriving gasping for breath. He went into the bathroom quickly and stripped his clothing. Aro gaped at the blood stain on his white panties then dashed to the shower and turned on the taps. He hurriedly stepped under the spray and washed himself vigorously. He knew he would have to keep to his room until this thing was over. He would be too much of a distraction and temptation.

Oh, will this madness ever end? He mused.

When he finished, he exited the shower and grabbed a towel. Upon entering his bedroom, he was greeted by Jane. She sniffed the air and her eyes widened.

"Bella your period started! I will go get you what you need from the store. In the meantime, stay in your towel and wait for me. I won't be long." Said Jane as she flitted out.

Aro sighed to himself and sat down. A sudden pain developed in his lower abdomen and he doubled over.

Dammit all, cramps!


Bella alone in her room paced the floor in agitation.

How have things gotten so out of hand? She thought, getting upset with her lack of control.

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