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Jackie looked at me sadly, and I could see the worry in her eyes, so I took a deep breath and smiled at her genuinely. "You know me, Jackie, if this is true, I'm sure I can handle it" I assured her. Truthfully, my main concern was my innocent little sister. Why did she have to get caught up in this?

Jackie raised her eyebrows, but didn't question me. I handed the slip of paper back to her, and she placed it back in its hiding place.

We went back to the kitchen, where Hayden was waiting. When I saw him, I couldn't help but smile, even though I was a little bit annoyed with him for not divulging everything I needed to know about Sid and the Prophecy.

"Hayden, why didn't you tell the poor girl everything?" Jackie scolded.

His eyes darkened, "I didn't think she could handle it straight away."

"I needed to know, Hayden," I told him.

He looked down at his feet and sighed. "I know, I'm sorry," he muttered. I walked over to him and embraced him gently.

"Are you worried about the Prophecy?" I asked softly. He nodded and hugged my tighter.

"We'll all make sure Dawn is looked after," Jackie assured him.

"I just want to keep her safe, Mum," he whispered back. She patted his arm before leaving the room, Hayden and I still wrapped in each other's arms.

A deep voice spilled into the room from the hall, "Hayden?" I recognised the voice as Harvey, who was calling for my mate.

My mate.

"In the kitchen, Dad!" Hayden replied, not releasing me. I heard more than one set of footsteps approach the kitchen, and I frowned. Who was with Harvey?

I broke away from Hayden's hold when Harvey walked in, followed by an attractive boy with blue eyes and light brown hair. Without realising, I stared at him, wondering if I'd ever seen him before. He looked to be my age, yet I'd never seen him at school. It puzzled me why he looked so familiar. Hayden noticed my stare and growled protectively, pulling me to his chest.

"Hey, Hayden," the boy greeted. Hayden nodded and smiled at him in response.

Harvey grinned when he looked as us, "So, I see we have some lovebirds on our hands." I blushed while Hayden smirked and set a feathery kiss on the top of my head.

Behind him, someone else familiar suddenly walked in.

"Dr. Carmon?" tumbled out of my open mouth. He smiled at me and shook my hand, enthusing about how good it was to see me.

"Dr. Carmon is a family friend, as we told you before, Dawn. But he is also Beta of this pack. I'm assuming you know what a Beta is...?" Harvey said to me.

"Second in command," Hayden discreetly whispered in my ear.

"It's your second in command," I repeated to his father, earning an appraising smile.

"And this is Michael, his son." Harvey told me. "He would be Beta to Hayden, but Michael's twin sister was born two minutes before him and that makes her older, therefore Hayden's future Beta," he explained. I looked up at Hayden, who was sending his dad panicked looks, while Harvey seemed confused. As I was studying Hayden's expression, I heard footsteps in the room.

"Ah, here she is," Harvey commented.

"Sorry, I was just taking a phone ca-" No. Her eyes widened when she realised I was in the room, stopping her mid-sentence, and my jaw fell open in shock.

"Indie?" I squeaked in disbelief. She nibbled her lip nervously, fidgeting.

"Um, yeah, hi Dawn," she mumbled, ducking her head. Indie was a werewolf? And Beta?!

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