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Hayden and I stayed up for the next four hours trying to figure out how I had healed him, if it was possible. Everyone else in the house were sleeping, except for Harvey, who I could hear in his study, pacing. In the village, light spilled into the streets and I knew people were wide awake, mourning their lost loved ones. Others were sleeping away the memory of tonight— and that's exactly what I wanted to do.

"Here," Hayden spoke up, gesturing to me with a thick book. He cleared his throat and I turned to face him on the bed. "The Moon Goddess has been known to grant unspecified gifts to those she finds worthy. There have been documented cases of miracle pregnancies in wounded she-wolves, sudden regrowth of lost limbs in Shifter soldiers, and the reunion of separated or lost family members."

I raised my eyebrows.

Hayden rolled his eyes, "Don't you get it? Sudden regrowth of limbs— healing. If the Moon Goddess can do that, surely she can patch up a cut and restart a heart."

I frowned. "It wasn't exactly a little 'cut', Hayden."

"Does it matter? Look, Danny, she's clearly given you healing powers. If they're permanent or just circumstantial.... I don't know. But she did this."

I thought over it, and came up with a clear answer. Of course she had— how else could this have happened? "Yeah. You're right. This couldn't have happened any other way." I yawned loudly. "Now we have that sorta-kinda cleared up, can we please get some sleep? I think I'm going to pass out any minute."

He chuckled, "Come on, sleepyhead."

As I slipped under the duvet, Hayden rolled on top of me and suddenly attacked me with kisses. I squealed, trying to push him off, but he held firm and pressed sloppy kisses to every inch of skin on my face.

Finally he rolled off of me and left me panting with giggles, a smirk resting on his face. His arms slid over my stomach and wrapped around my waist, tucking me into his side as we closed our eyes.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you more." he whispered back.

I smiled.


When I'd woken up, my eyes were gold.

It was a shock to all of us, and nobody could explain it. I tried to contact the Moon Goddess, but it was no use. She clearly wanted me to figure it out for myself.

I started going to the Pack School from then on, since I couldn't keep up pretences anymore at the human school. Not with my new home, new abilities, and my new eye colour.

I actually enjoyed it a lot more. There was no stress; everyone was so friendly and respected me. Hayden started there with me, but missed out on a lot of it with his training to become Alpha.

The Wolf Shifters we'd lost from the pack had their pictures stapled to the training ground sign as a memorial. It humbled us all.

I was in love with my new life. I hadn't spoken to my other friends since— Caitlyn, Amy, Macy— but sometimes I'd watch them from the bushes outside my old school. At first they seemed sad and angry and confused, but eventually they grew happy. And as much as I missed them, and wished I could resolve my patchy friendship with Caitlyn, I was happy with how things were. If they could continue, so could I.

My healing powers remained. At first, I'd just tried to kiss better a paper cut on Sid's finger to cheer her up, but it had actually worked. We let the Pack Doctor know, so if there really was an emergency and he had exercised every possible option to heal an injured pack member— to no avail —I would step in. Other than him, my family, Hayden and Indie, I told no one.

On the night that Hayden turned eighteen and officially took on the role as Alpha, celebrations rang through the Pack Village. And that night, the Moon Goddess finally contacted me in a dream.

She told me she had planned a baby girl for my future. I was over the moon— no pun intended.

I didn't tell Hayden; I wanted it to be a surprise.

I was in love with my new life. And I wouldn't trade it for the world.

The end. 

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