Chapter 25

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"-I'm almost done, Blossom, hear me out."


A bullet grazed against Soo-ji's cheek just as Jackson pushed her out of the way.

Chung Ha's blood curdling scream magnified across the entire ballroom. In her hand, the barrel of a pistol diffused a mist of smoke.

In a matter of seconds, she ordered the KSI to infiltrate the room to capture all the gangs. The room fell into chaos. Tables were knocked over, drinks were tipped over the floor and everyone ran in all different directions to the exits. Chung Ha didn't know what she was doing exactly, but her loss of control was terrifying to watch.

With no weapons, the gangs resisted with their fists only. A number of gunshots went off, sending some to their bloody death.

Yoongi, seeing that everything was getting out of hand, jumped over the head table. He kept his eyes on a certain girl in a green dress, unwilling to blink or look away as he knew he would lose her if he did. He pushed and shoved the scrambling bodies running past him, not caring about the flying bullets above his head.

From afar, he could see Soo-ji's head turning left and right, frantically searching for someone. She threw a knock-out punch at the KSI who came in her way before going back to looking around. Then, amidst all the heads blocking his view, Soo-ji was dragged under, lost in the sea of mayhem.

"Soo-ji!" He called out to her, hoping that she could hear him, but there was no reply.

He reached the spot he last saw her.

With a pounding worry heart, he breathed a sigh of relief to see her straddling on top of a large built man on the floor. Blood was gushing out of her nostrils onto her chest, no doubt after being dragged down and punched by the said guy.

Soo-ji, although unarmed, wasn't going to let him attack her without retaliation though. The bottom of her dress was torn. With the fabric wrapped around her two fists, she looped it around the man's neck, strangling him till he turned blue.

The man's body flopped like a lifeless fish. His mouth was wide open, having desperately tried to take in his last breath before Soo-ji cut off his airflow.

Soo-ji stood finally, gasping for breath like she had just run a marathon, until she slammed straight into someone. With a fist drawn back, she hurled her arm forward, only for it to be caught in someone's closed fist.

"It's me!" Yoongi called out to her, peeking round her fist which was inches from his face.

Soo-ji drew her arm back, releasing a sigh of relief when she finally found the person she was looking for.

In that moment, with both of them holding on to each other, a rain of bullets flew above their heads, forcing them to take cover on the ground. Instinctively, Yoongi placed himself over her, covering her like she was a part of him.

The room fell into a silence.

On the ground, dead bodies scattered the floor. The gangs were kneeling, having surrendered to the KSI who looked down upon them from their standing positions.

The KSI were littered across the room with guns in their hands, ready to shoot dead whoever resisted.

The clocking of Chung Ha's high heel echoed in the silence. She walked amongst the kneeling gangs like a queen, searching for a particular person.

At first, Soo-ji thought Chung Ha was looking for her. Yoongi thought this too, shielding her against Chung Ha's scrutinising glance.

But they were wrong.

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